I just wanted to give everyone that uploads tracks an quick update. We now have streamlined the way we handed tracks for subsonicradio. As we have quite a large library of tracks, it took some time to wrangle them up, and optimize how we handle adding tracks. Thanks for being patient, as we have had a long lag in recent track additions/modifications.
Just a few tips again for those that are uploading tracks.
- 1. Please upload a list of tracks with the tracks you upload. This list can be simple, track names and your screen name, so we can give you credit.
2. Please search the list of tracks before you upload. Uploading duplicate tracks slows down the addition process. UNLESS the current track quality is very poor and you have a better, or more complete version.
We are not trying to deter any uploads. When in doubt upload. Its just uploading the same tracks we have just adds to the workload.
Thanks again for all of your donations. You uploads help make subsonicradio more complete and a better site.
Thanks again
Team SR