Hong Kong Disneyland Trip Report 3/15-16 2014

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Hong Kong Disneyland Trip Report 3/15-16 2014

Post by horizons1 » Mar Sat 15, 2014 10:18 am

Right now I am writing to you from the top floor of the Hollywood Hotel here at Hong Kong Disneyland. A work conference took me to HKG and I had my fingers crossed that, unlike a Tokyo trip a few years back, this one would not be canceled at the last minute. Obviously, I made it!

My room overlooks the park, but they turn off almost all the lights after closing so all I can see right now (it's 1030pm Saturday night) is the Toy Story Parachute Drop which they presumably keep lit for airplanes. Anyway, more on the hotel later. I bought a two-day ticket so here's the play-by-play so far...

Day 1: Saturday, March 15, 2014

My conference was near the airport, about a 25 minute drive to HKDL. The Marriott has a daily shuttle to the park at 10am so I checked out this morning and boarded the bus bound for my next international Disney adventure. The buses and trains here are very punctual. When they say a bus is leaving at 1000 it leaves at 1000, not 0959 or 1001. Pretty nice.

There were two other families on my bus. When I arrived, the bus dropped us off in a big coach parking lot. As you can see, not much happening at 1030am.



I walked over to the resort bus depot and boarded a very nice motor coach. These resort buses put WDW's to shame.


I had reserved a park view room but there weren't any rooms ready when I checked in. So I left my baggage at the hotel and took the bus back to the park. The layout of the entrance plaza is shaped like a T with parking and buses on one tip of the horizontal part of the T, the Disneyland Hotel and ferry boat dock on the other, and Disneyland on the bottom of the T. There is quite a distance between the transit end and the resort end of the T, and I suspect it won't be long until they put in a Downtown Disney concept here. Right now, there's nothing but planters and benches as you walk to the park.



This little girl was adorable:

Here's the requisite Main Street shot. As you can see, the right side is all under wraps as they refurbish. The weather today was overcast and in the upper 60's. Somewhat humid though, which made it not feel chilly.


First stop, Space Mountain. I was very happy to ride this as it is a duplicate of the California ride. All 22 turns were there just as I remembered them, 17 to the right, 5 to the left. Ahh. And no wait in the single rider line, only a 5 minute standby wait.



After SM, I took a counter-clockwise tour of the park. Through Fantasyland, up into the new left perimeter through Toy Story Land, Mystic Point and Grizzly Gulch. There are pics coming up, but my next ride was Mystic Manor. The ride is fun. They use the trackless cars and the ride is pretty smooth. If you've seen the videos on YouTube you get the story. The best special effects are at the end. I won't spoil it for you but suffice to say they did some great work with the projections, lighting and the movement of the vehicles.

After Mystic Manor I checked out their version of Big Thunder, called Grizzly Mountain. They even have a bear-shapped rock peak just like DCA. Big Grizzly Mountain Runaway Mine Cars is the full name and the ride uses the same Vekoma trains as Expedition Everest. But while EE is tall with steep drops, BGMRMC hugs the ground. There is a backwards element, and the ride really makes use of the terrain. The theme is a couple of troublesome bears which cause some havoc in a local mine. The theme is cute and the animatronic bears are adorable. There is a powered launch after the reverse section that starts with a "blast" of TNT set off by the bears that is very clever.

By now I was getting hungry and I noticed in the guide map that the Starliner Diner offered fried chicken so I had to check that out.


The chicken was good but the fries were the basic frozen type. The Coke was super-sugary which gave me a burst of energy to go next door and ride Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters.


The construction on the left side of Buzz is for the upcoming Iron Man Experience. The entrance will be inside the berm and the show building is on the other side of the railroad tracks next to Autopia.

Here is an example of how HKDL handles language. Stitch Encounter rotates between English and the two primary Chinese dialects. See on the blue sign how it says "Show Language"?

Most ride signs are in English only and the informational signs are dual. This one at the entrance to Pooh cracked me up. Look at what it says right in the middle:

Sober? Really? I didn't know they had a problem with people getting drunk and coming to Disneyland to ride Pooh.

I am getting ahead of myself. After Buzz, I rode its a small world. The ride was pretty much the same except there is an American section with some typical icons (Statue of Liberty). I grabbed a scoop of ice cream ($15 HKD, roughly $2 USD, not a bad price). I then picked up a Fast Pass for The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh which is where I saw the sign above. Now we are caught up. By the way, there are only THREE attractions that offer FastPass: Space Mountain (unnecessary) Pooh (necessary) and Festival of the Lion King (closed).

There is a show here called The Golden Mickeys which is a musical stage show. It is VERY popular and the capacity is reached about 15mins before each show, even before they open the doors. I found this out the hard way as I kept arriving too late to see the 12 and 130p shows. I decided to come back later.

My FastPass for Pooh wasn't until 240p so I had some time to kill. I went over and rode the Jungle River Cruise. No pics, maybe I will take some tomorrow. The ride has three separate queues for each language. I chose English first but will go back and ride with another language just to see how it sounds. The hostess was really bad. She had her mouth pressed against the mic and her voice was so distorted you could barely understand her. Plus she made very little effort to put on any performance. She never "steered" the boat and just basically phoned it in. Bad show. The ride itself is unique in that the river surrounds "Tarzan Island" so you're basically on the route that the steam ship would take at any other park. The river is narrow in parts and they have most of the same sight gags. There is a special effects bonanza for a finale that was nice but otherwise this was so so.

On the way back toward Pooh I still had time so I stopped to visit the Snow White Grotto. Just like the one in California, except there is no "echo" in the wishing well. Boo.



Here's a shot of the queue and interior of the Stitch Encounter. This is the same show as Turtle Talk with Crush, a live animated audience interaction. But look at the queue holding area. Did they slap this attraction together in a hurry or what? I am calling this the Stitch Afterthought.



Mickey's Philharmagic was next. Obviously, exactly the same show inside. But a budget outdoor queue here instead of the Opera House theme in Florida.


Back over in Toy Story (it still wasn't 240p) I rode RC Racer. This is the identical ride that's at the Disney Studios Paris park. It's basically a roller coaster "half pipe" that goes forward and back about four times. Big whoop. It did, however, have this clever "slot car" design to the queue path:

Finally, it was time to ride Pooh. Almost exactly the same as the Florida one. I was glad of that as I like that ride. Now it was around 330p and I decided to head back to the hotel and check in.

Time for a quick break.
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Re: Hong Kong Disneyland Trip Report LIVE 3/15-16 2014

Post by horizons1 » Mar Sat 15, 2014 11:04 am

Day 1, continued...

OK, that wasn't much of a break. I might as well crank through this story while it's fresh :)

I walked the long walk across the T down over to the Disneyland Hotel. Very familiar Victorian style that we have come to expect from the top tier resort hotels globally:





My hotel, however, is in Art Deco and Art Moderne which I happen to find appealing. I love this look and anybody who is a fan of the Hollywood Studios primary architectural style would be at home here. Here's my room. Come visit me, I am still here:




I'll have to remember to take a pic of the view out the window tomorrow.

After a brief rest stop I headed back to the park on the bus around 530p. Just in time to get into the queue for the 615p showing of The Golden Mickeys. I really had no idea what to expect or what this show was. As I said earlier, I found out it is a Broadway-style revue of popular Disney movie standards. They theme it as a sort of Academy Awards show so they have an excuse for musical numbers themed to awards for different categories like "adventure" and "romance" but it's really just an excuse to get all the characters up on stage. They start out with the Fab 5 characters and then do segments featuring Tarzan, Mulan (big surprise), Lilo & Stitch, Pocahontas, The Little Mermaid and Beauty & The Beast. That last one is VERY similar to the finale of the B&B shows in the American parks. The show is hosted by a female TV reporter speaking one of the two dialects, the other, plus English, are subtitled on big screens to the sides of the stage. The songs are in English.


The theater is very large and you enter it by going under the railroad tracks to the right of iasw. You may not be able to tell from the pic above but they do a very clever and subtle bit with a video that plays while you wait for the show to begin. It's a sort of countdown and they show scenes from animated movies that involve clocks or time pieces. For instance, the picture above is Cogsworth. They also had the cuckoo clocks from Pinnocchio, the scene with Peter Pan on Big Ben, 101 Dalmatians where one of the dogs moves the clock arm up, etc. Cute and I am sure most people would not "get it".

The park was closing at 8. It was around 645p when I left the show so I just walked around taking pics. I love the parks after dark and this one is just beautiful. Lots of well thought-out lighting everywhere. My trusty Samsung Galaxy was working overtime trying to capture some decent night shots. Here are the best:


Festival of Foods. I am not a fan of LED lighting as I think it's too cold but the colors worked here. Much more colorful than these pics:




The railroad was closed due to construction for Iron Man.


The got-my-hopes-up-by-the-name-but-turned-out-to-be-nothing Explorer's Club Restaurant in Mystic Point:

OOH, look at what's around the corner! Pretty!

Very much like the Winchester Mystery House in California

Grizzly Gulch, along with Toy Story and Mystic Point, this is the third "mini land" around the left side perimeter beyond the railroad tracks. It was needed, as the park opened without a Frontierland:

Look familiar to anyone?

This one's in Adventureland:



The firework show was ok. Nothing special. Also no grand firework finale where they throw everything at you. Very subdued ending. Good use of the castle as a centerpiece - this show is probably not good when viewed from the sides. Fantasyland is closed when the fireworks are on. Interestingly, I have the option of watching the fireworks from my room and they pipe in the show audio on a dedicated TV channel. However, since I am a night park lover I don't really see myself coming back to my room. Still, nice to have the option.

After the show, I went around the security guard blocking the entrance to Adventureland by taking the alternate path next to the Plaza Inn and made it all the way back to Mystic Point. I wanted to see if I could get there so I could walk back slowly and take video of the park with nobody in it. I did, and I have that video which I will upload to YouTube for your viewing pleasure probably when I get home. Hope it turned out ok.

Here's the castle after most everyone had left:

And here's my hotel in all it's nighttime art deco splendor:

This "salad" comes with my pizza in the Hollywood & Dine quick serve restaurant:

The pool is a giant piano and they made a mini Hollywood Bowl at the end with the Hollywood sign in the background.

Back behind the Hollywood sign is Mulholland Drive. A couple of 50's hot rods are "parked" on a hill overlooking the bay, complete with a traffic light. I half expected to find a greaser and a girl in a poodle skirt making out in one of them.

OK, now you have seen all the pics. The good ones, anyway. I'll report more soon. Not sure if it'll be tomorrow or later when I get back. I have an early flight Monday so it'll depend upon how awake I am tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed the story thus far!
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Re: Hong Kong Disneyland Trip Report LIVE 3/15-16 2014

Post by ImagineerWannabe » Mar Sat 15, 2014 1:10 pm

Definitely enjoying the story, thanks for sharing! Is the castle as small as it looks? I almost didn't notice there was anything at the end of Main St. The Tomorrowland area in the picture of the Space Mountain exterior looks short too. Love the inside queue for it though :) I had no idea there was a "Grand Floridian" in Hong Kong.
Looking forward to Day 2.

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Re: Hong Kong Disneyland Trip Report LIVE 3/15-16 2014

Post by mindflipper » Mar Sat 15, 2014 3:43 pm

Actually, they have that same style of hotel at Disneyland Paris as well, where it is the front entrance to the park.

Great Trip Report! Thanks for all the great photos!

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Re: Hong Kong Disneyland Trip Report LIVE 3/15-16 2014

Post by Amy » Mar Sat 15, 2014 6:51 pm

Wow! This is so cool that you are there at HKDL and doing a TR while you are there! I am so envious. I love the videos I have seen of Mystic Manor online ~ how neat you got to see it in person. So many park elements there remind me of DL and DCA. And the outside of Mystic Manor is just beautiful at night!
Enjoy your second day at the parks and have a safe journey home. Looking forward to seeing more photos and your video! :D

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Re: Hong Kong Disneyland Trip Report LIVE 3/15-16 2014

Post by horizons1 » Mar Sat 15, 2014 7:47 pm

Thanks for the feedback, everyone!
ImagineerWannabe wrote:Is the castle as small as it looks?
Yes, the castle is a duplicate of the original Sleeping Beauty castle in Disneyland California. I had thought I would not like it having mountains as a backdrop but seeing it live it looks really nice.
mindflipper wrote:Actually, they have that same style of hotel at Disneyland Paris as well, where it is the front entrance to the park.

Great Trip Report! Thanks for all the great photos!
Right, the architecture is very similar to the one in Paris, although that one has many more decorative elements. This one is a bit more bare bones in terms of trim. Oh, and a much longer walk to the park entrance ;)
Amy wrote:So many park elements there remind me of DL and DCA. And the outside of Mystic Manor is just beautiful at night!
Enjoy your second day at the parks and have a safe journey home. Looking forward to seeing more photos and your video! :D
I was thinking the same thing, Amy. The imagineers obviously applied their "best practices" in designing this park. I can only guess how much will be taken from the global parks in the final design of Shanghai Disneyland!

Much more to come as I start out my second day. Decent night's sleep, although the walls are somewhat thin (typical Disney hotel issue) and a crying baby next door was my alarm clock at 8am. At least it wasn't 6. I will play while you guys all sleep.
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Re: Hong Kong Disneyland Trip Report LIVE 3/15-16 2014

Post by Amy » Mar Sat 15, 2014 8:58 pm

Oh, I forgot to mention how amusing your little "salad" was. I thought the cucumbers were pickles at first which made it a little more funny :lol: Although I must say I love the plate it came on! Please take photos of your meals on Sunday too :D
And while the fries might not have been anything exciting, they sure looked tasty!

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Re: Hong Kong Disneyland Trip Report 3/15-16 2014

Post by horizons1 » Mar Sun 16, 2014 8:33 am

Yeah, Amy, that salad was smaller than what I get as an inflight meal! But I took the pic primarily for the bowl.

Day 2: Sunday, March 16, 2014

As mentioned earlier, the walls are thin so I was awoken by a crying baby at 8. Forced myself to stay in bed until 9 but was still up and out in time to get to the park for the 10am rope drop. My mission was to ride Autopia as that was probably the only 45-60min wait all day. First, here is the view from my room:


Here is a better view up Main Street. Note the brick pavement and lack of street car tracks. They have the taxi, omnibus and fire truck, just horseless vehicles. The pavement is really nice - better than the plain old concrete.


Autopia has electric cars. I guess it's sort of Leaf-topia. Ooh, Teslatopia would be cool. They need Tesla to sponsor. But I digress. Autopia is the same ride it pretty much is anywhere else. The cars are still has difficult to drive straight and they are slow as heck.

After Autopia I cut across to Toy Story Land to ride Slinky Toy Spin. This is your standard carnival Himalaya.


Cute dog bone safety stripes

A nice daytime view of the Explorer's Club restaurant adjacent to Mystic Manor. I just noticed that lamp post on the right seems to be leaning.

After morning runs on Mystic Manor and Grizzly Mountain, I took the rafts to Tarzan Island. Boy was I disappointed to find out the treehouse is all there is. I kept looking for tunnels or paths to lead me to more activities as I have come to expect but no. You get off the raft, go up and down the treehouse, and then get back onto the raft. Wow, lame.



Grizzly peak in the distance

Oh, and the treehouse is basically the same floorplan and "rooms" as the one in California, which seems strange because they had the ability to tell the Tarzan story from scratch instead of working with the old Swiss Family set that California had to work with. They even had the Swisskapolka playing on the bottom floor. Inexplicable.

For lunch I ate at "the first Coke themed restaurant in a Disney park", the Corner Cafe on Main Street. I had their club sandwich which was chicken and turkey. Don't worry, Amy - there's a pic.



After lunch I took a quick spin on Space Mountain. I had a fast pass so that I could ask for the front (you can't request from the single rider line, obviously.) Then, after leaving SM I noticed they were playing the Tron theme on the Tomorrowland music loop. I haven't listened to those tracks in a while. Do the American parks play the Tron theme too?

I took an afternoon break back at the hotel with the intention of taking a swim. It was a bit warmer all morning and the sun even came out. But by the time I got back to the room it was getting chilly again. So I just took some pics around the Hollywood Hotel.

They have Cisco phones in the rooms and you can check the weather and even listen to short bedtime stories. They are narrated mini audiobooks with pics. They also play them on a TV loop and call them bedtime stories.










I headed back to the park around 4. Here's a pic of the long walk from the parking and transit area, which I found out they call the "Public Transit Interchange." I like TTC better. Anyway, this is where they will likely put in the Downtown Disney. In this view, the PTI is behind me and you can see the whale fountain in the distance that marks the intersection of the T.

Another pic for Amy. They don't have buttered popcorn here. Caramel or honey mustard are the two choices.

The rest of the day I just spent wandering around doing random picture taking and re-riding things. It was easy to run out of things to do in this park given the lack of selection.

The River View Cafe opposite the entrance to the Jungle River Cruise has lots of characteristics of a restaurant you'd find at DAK.

Umm, ok.

The overflow seating for the big Fantasyland eatery, Royal Banquet Hall, is on the front-left side of the Castle. Looks like a quiet place to eat...

...and this is what you'd see from those tables...

...and this too.




For dinner I ate at Tahitian Terrace and had the Tandoori Chicken and Lamb Kabobs with Indian rice. This entire meal below, including the drink, was only 98 Hong Kong Dollars, a little over $13 US. For the price, I expected just a snack.


Is that building leaning?


Do you recognize the person in this portrait? This is the guy who did the music for Mystic Manor.

I didn't know but now I can totally tell - it has his distinctive style.

I took the following two pics because it struck me as rare to see Disney characters, especially the Fab Five, frightened:


Those are glow-in-the-dark shirts. The frightened Mickey kind of made me uncomfortable.

A few more random pics as the sun set.







I was pretty much the only person on Buzz above and I had my own train for Space Mountain. Everybody was either leaving or getting ready to watch the fireworks.

Speaking of fireworks, I said I probably wouldn't watch them from my room. But by 715p I had pretty much exhausted everything I could think of doing in the park so I headed back.

Here's the backside of the Corner Cafe. I just like this Victorian sun room look.

Back in my room, tuned TV to channel 39

For orientation, this is the view right before the show began. The blue building in the middle is Space Mountain.




That's it for pics. I head to the airport at 545am tomorrow. Yikes! I hope you enjoyed the report. Let me know if you have questions.

Some random notes/observations:
-Sleeping Beauty Castle has the walkthrough dioramas like the original DL but it was closed. Even though it was on the map, there weren't even any signs for the attraction.

-There is no backside of water on the Jungle River Cruise

-Donald Duck seems to be the mascot for the Hollywood Hotel. Must be because he's mentioned by name in "Hooray For Hollywood." I bumped into him several times. Earlier, outside, he asked if I was going swimming. I told him I wanted to but it was too cold. He laughed silently. Tonight, he asked me if I was going to dinner. I said I was going to get some ice cream. He rubbed his belly and gave me the thumbs up. He's cool.

-On the bus, we passed a wedding ceremony being prepared in a garden at the Disneyland Hotel. The wedding was right next to the road the buses take. Didn't seem very special and I am surprised there isn't a better spot.

-The cast members seem to have picked western names for their badges. This lead to some strange choices. In the Corner Cafe, I actually saw a waitress named Jelly. No kidding. And later on the Jungle River Cruise, I saw someone named Cherry. Must be related.

-I rode the non-English version of the Jungle River Cruise. I could totally tell what was happening and it almost didn't matter that the cast member wasn't speaking English.
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Re: Hong Kong Disneyland Trip Report 3/15-16 2014

Post by Amy » Mar Sun 16, 2014 10:32 am

Love the little details that are everywhere ~ like those little bones in the safety strip. Do you end up sitting between the coils on the slinky dog or are they over your head as you are sitting down?
Is the island just big enough to hold Tarzan's house or is there room for them to expand a bit more? That is strange that it is just the Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse with the Tarzan remake ala DL. It still has some really nice views over the park though!
Lunch and dinner looked good. Sounds like the prices were pretty reasonable as well. The caramel corn looks yummy ~ did it taste like the caramel corn here?
Boo that you couldn't go for a swim, but yay for us with more photos of the hotel. It looks really fancy :D
I like the first Fab 5 shirt, but the scared Mickey is a bit unsettling. I think I've seen fairly similar designs here for Tower of Terror though.
It's a Small World looks lovely at night. I've always like the DL façade better than WDW. That is pretty neat that you can watch fireworks complete with music right in your room!
I wonder if the name tags reflect what their name means in English?? Or maybe they are just completely random. Were all the name tags in English or also Chinese?
So did you really get to experience every attraction and show that was open in just two short days? I know there is only the one park there, right? But it still seems like you would have had to push more to fit everything in.
Thanks so much for sharing this ~ I'm so glad you were able to go and share with us! :D

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Re: Hong Kong Disneyland Trip Report 3/15-16 2014

Post by MmeLeota » Mar Sun 16, 2014 3:53 pm

Great report! Someday, I hope to ride Mystic Manor...I watched YouTube videos since I don't think we'll be going anytime soon, and it looks to be awesome...especially the end.

A former co-worker, who was from Hong Kong, wondered why on earth I wanted to go to HKDL...even though he was a Disney fan, he kind of thought of it as somewhat boring since the park is small and can be experienced pretty quickly. But when I explained that it is a life goal of mine to visit every Disney park around the world, then he understood. I'm figuring we won't bother trying to get to HKDL until after Shanghai DL opens...do both Chinese parks in one trip.

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Re: Hong Kong Disneyland Trip Report 3/15-16 2014

Post by Amy » Mar Sun 16, 2014 4:51 pm

MmeLeota wrote:Great report! Someday, I hope to ride Mystic Manor...I watched YouTube videos since I don't think we'll be going anytime soon, and it looks to be awesome...especially the end.

A former co-worker, who was from Hong Kong, wondered why on earth I wanted to go to HKDL...even though he was a Disney fan, he kind of thought of it as somewhat boring since the park is small and can be experienced pretty quickly. But when I explained that it is a life goal of mine to visit every Disney park around the world, then he understood. I'm figuring we won't bother trying to get to HKDL until after Shanghai DL opens...do both Chinese parks in one trip.
If you are going to be on that side of the world, you should plan a stop at TDL and TDS too!

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Re: Hong Kong Disneyland Trip Report 3/15-16 2014

Post by MmeLeota » Mar Sun 16, 2014 6:47 pm

Thought about that too...it would depend on the length (and cost :shock: of the trip though)...
What we'd really like to do is the Adventures by Disney tour of China. Both cities are part of it, and I'm wondering if the itinerary will change slightly to accommodate people who would like to do just that once Shanghai Disneyland opens. Anyway, it's one of those dream trips...it will be a long time before we can make it happen.

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Re: Hong Kong Disneyland Trip Report 3/15-16 2014

Post by Amy » Mar Sun 16, 2014 7:06 pm

MmeLeota wrote:Thought about that too...it would depend on the length (and cost :shock: of the trip though)...
What we'd really like to do is the Adventures by Disney tour of China. Both cities are part of it, and I'm wondering if the itinerary will change slightly to accommodate people who would like to do just that once Shanghai Disneyland opens. Anyway, it's one of those dream trips...it will be a long time before we can make it happen.
That would be an awesome trip indeed! I imagine they probably will include Shanghai Disney once it opens, or at least offer it as an option.

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Re: Hong Kong Disneyland Trip Report 3/15-16 2014

Post by horizons1 » Mar Wed 19, 2014 7:36 pm

Amy wrote:Do you end up sitting between the coils on the slinky dog or are they over your head as you are sitting down?
Is the island just big enough to hold Tarzan's house or is there room for them to expand a bit more? Sounds like the prices were pretty reasonable as well. The caramel corn looks yummy ~ did it taste like the caramel corn here?

I wonder if the name tags reflect what their name means in English??
So did you really get to experience every attraction and show that was open in just two short days? I know there is only the one park there, right?
Wow, lots of good questions Amy.

Yes, the coils go over the cars on the Slinky Dog so you sit inside the Slinky.

The island is long but it appears to be pretty skinny - just wide enough to add some division for the Jungle River Cruise. That's no excuse, in my mind though, because they could've made it wider if the'd wanted.

Yes, the prices were not bad. The food was reasonable all around. I think my ice cream was only $2 US. And the caramel corn tasted just the same as we are used to. Plus it is served warm.

All the name tags were in English. There were only Chinese characters on the warning and informational signs. Everything else was straight English.

Yes, it was very easy to experience all the attractions in the first day. Partly, because it wasn't crowded but largely the reason is there just aren't a ton of things to do.
MmeLeota wrote:...it is a life goal of mine to visit every Disney park around the world, then he understood. I'm figuring we won't bother trying to get to HKDL until after Shanghai DL opens...do both Chinese parks in one trip.
I want to go there too. And it was really hard connecting in Tokyo without getting over to TDL
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Re: Hong Kong Disneyland Trip Report 3/15-16 2014

Post by Goofyfan » Mar Fri 21, 2014 4:08 pm

WOW. Some pretty amazing shots. Love looking at people's Disney phots. :D :goofy:

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