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Posted: Jan Fri 24, 2014 7:55 am
by holiday road
I am only posting it because CDAbleson was nice enough to request it. I miss Spectromagic and I'm not happy that it's all done. That is just my little vent. :evil:

Re: Spectromagic will be Back

Posted: Jan Fri 24, 2014 8:21 am
by Searlproudbottom
This Is my thought and forecast on Spectromagic

The Old floats might be gone but the brand spanking new ones with todays LED technology are on the way.
Bringing back Spectro will be a cash cow for Disney. They will capitalize on bringing back Spectro and dedicate a whole Summer with advertising bombarding the airwaves. If I were a betting man which I am Id give 10 to 1 odds you will see Specto back at WDW. I seen this before when they decided to take the Main street electrical parade from Disneyland.


Remember you heard it from me first

Re: Spectromagic

Posted: Jan Fri 24, 2014 9:00 am
by jderoche5
Wait, I thought it was coming back this year........

Re: Spectromagic

Posted: Jan Fri 24, 2014 9:12 am
by holiday road
I hope your right, I miss it and have developed an unhealthy hatred towards MSEP because it made Spectromagic go away. Yes, I am like a large five year old at times.

Re: Spectromagic will be Back

Posted: Jan Fri 24, 2014 9:17 am
by Amy
Searlproudbottom wrote:This Is my thought and forecast on Spectromagic

The Old floats might be gone but the brand spanking new ones with todays LED technology are on the way.
Bringing back Spectro will be a cash cow for Disney. They will capitalize on bringing back Spectro and dedicate a whole Summer with advertising bombarding the airwaves. If I were a betting man which I am Id give 10 to 1 odds you will see Specto back at WDW. I seen this before when they decided to take the Main street electrical parade from Disneyland.


Remember you heard it from me first
Hope you are right Searl! I would love to see an updated version of Spectro :D

Re: Spectromagic

Posted: Jan Fri 24, 2014 12:12 pm
by mwehttam
That would be great. They are working on a new daytime parade and there are rumblings that MSEP will head back to DL for its 60th b-day. That would leave the MK without a night time parade. What a perfect time to bring back Spectro with new floats but the same great music!

Re: Spectromagic

Posted: Jan Fri 24, 2014 12:28 pm
by jderoche5
When I did the Keys to the Kingdom tour a couple of years back, the floats were all there still in storage. I saw them with my own eyes. I did read somewhere that about 6 months ago they began pulling them out, cleaning them up and repairing what needed to be repaired. I also believe they had said they were switching the lights over to LED as well. I too miss this parade.

Re: Spectromagic

Posted: Jan Fri 24, 2014 3:46 pm
by mwehttam
jderoche5 wrote:I did read somewhere that about 6 months ago they began pulling them out, cleaning them up and repairing what needed to be repaired.

I thought it was announced by Disney back this past Spring that the floats where scrapped do to exposure to the elements? Any float that was still in decent shape were kept for training purposes.

Re: Spectromagic

Posted: Jan Fri 24, 2014 3:53 pm
by jderoche5
Let me see if I can find what I read. Spectro had much less exposure than Main Street as it has been around for a shorter period of time. Spectro was kept in a warehouse covered during it's time away. I could be wrong, but I will check.

Re: Spectromagic

Posted: Jan Fri 24, 2014 3:58 pm
by jderoche5
Well by God you are right. The floats have been dumped. Not quite sure how I missed that as I am on Disney site everyday. Dang I feel dumb.

To the fatal position I go!

Re: Spectromagic

Posted: Jan Mon 27, 2014 8:29 am
by holiday road
Well that's disheartening, for a moment there was hope.

Re: Spectromagic

Posted: Feb Sat 01, 2014 10:59 am
by Sharonofwindham
jderoche5 wrote:When I did the Keys to the Kingdom tour a couple of years back, the floats were all there still in storage. I saw them with my own eyes. I did read somewhere that about 6 months ago they began pulling them out, cleaning them up and repairing what needed to be repaired. I also believe they had said they were switching the lights over to LED as well. I too miss this parade.
This is all really good news. This parade is so amazing & should be around forever just like the MSEP! I hope when I get back it will be up & running, all spruced up!!!

Re: Spectromagic

Posted: Feb Sat 01, 2014 5:24 pm
by Goofyfan
To keep everyone happy the should alternate MSEP and Spectro every year. Gives them time each year to realy overhaul the floats each year. :goofy:

Re: Spectromagic

Posted: Feb Sat 01, 2014 6:16 pm
by Wizzard419
Isn't that what they already were doing?

Re: Spectromagic

Posted: Feb Sun 02, 2014 7:41 am
by yodiwan1
Spectro is not coming back. The floats have already been destroyed. Most were damaged while kept behind Main Street. Yes, they were there the entire time. I talso saw them about 3-4 years ago on the Keys to the Kingdom tour. The plan was to upgrade the lights to LED. In typical Disney fashion, they let another project be put on hold for to long and poof, no longer happening. SOrry to burst bubble, but Spectro has already joined Horizons, 20, 000 leagues, and Mr. Toads Wild Ride.