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WDW cracking down on FP return times

Posted: Feb Tue 07, 2012 5:47 am
by Cub ... march-7th/

I think it's overall a good thing. It's not fair for those who show up an hour after the time on their FP and get in with those who come at their correct time.
Why would there be times on the passes in the first place? :lol:

What does everyone else think of this?

Re: WDW cracking down on FP return times

Posted: Feb Tue 07, 2012 7:34 am
by Amy
I like it, although I can see it causing some problems. And once again, it is the poor CMs on the front lines who will be absorbing the complaints. I never knew about the fact that you could pretty much get in with a FP anytime after the return time until a year or so ago, so that part won't affect me. I do like the fact that they will be a little more relaxed about letting you in a few minutes earlier than your return time. So many people clog up the return queue while they are waiting out those last few minutes :roll: Hopefully the info gets out on the blogs and internet enough that the people that always used their FP as a return at any point in the evening will get the message and not cause too many problems!

Re: WDW cracking down on FP return times

Posted: Feb Tue 07, 2012 10:23 am
by theBIGyowski
I am a fan of being able to return anytime after the start of your time window. Why? Because what happens to a family who has something come up and they miss their window? Are you going to make them wait in the stand-by line or get new FPs? Here's the thing...most people will come back during their time window anyway...because they don't know any better. I would just hate to put families in bad moods because they missed their time window.


I am in favor of them enforcing something like this on select attractions like TSMM. That attraction is probably the one that is the worst for FP. Most all of them are gone by 10:00 or 11:00 AM and most of the guests decide to use them in the last 2-3 hours of park operation. This leads to inflated wait times in the FP line and it dang near ruins the experience.

So...I am in favor of enforcing the time windows on select attractions...but not on all of them.

Re: WDW cracking down on FP return times

Posted: Feb Tue 07, 2012 10:30 am
by mills10
This is just my opinion, but I don't like this idea. I can see where they are coming from, but I think this will make for a lot of disappointed guests. I like the fact that if I forget my time, or if I'm in line for a different ride that is taking longer then expected that I have the option to use my FP later. For example let's say someone gets a FP and then while they are in line for another ride there are break downs or some other problem and because of that they miss their FP time. I know you might say well they can just get out of line, which is true. However then they just wasted all that in line. It was nice knowing that you could always just ride your FP ride later.

And I could wrong and this could work out great. I just hope that if it doesn't that they will reverse the policy.

Re: WDW cracking down on FP return times

Posted: Feb Tue 07, 2012 10:32 am
by MadEye
I would bet money that this won't last.

Re: WDW cracking down on FP return times

Posted: Feb Tue 07, 2012 11:10 am
by momeja
MadEye wrote:I would bet money that this won't last.
True. Because they're working on a total overhaul of the system. ... -March.htm

I think FPs as we know them are going to go the way of the dinosaur. No one knows what the NextGen FPs will look like (will they come with Patrick Stewart, for example? :wink: ), but here's another article talking about what they've done with FP technology at Six Flags over Georgia:

My guess is that Disney is looking into something similar.

Re: WDW cracking down on FP return times

Posted: Feb Tue 07, 2012 12:45 pm
by Wizzard419
It seems like a trivial thing to do, when you think about it. If you miss your window, the pass does not return to the pool as there is no system (nor is one needed) to account for the passes upon return. There is also the human factor, mainly that the people working the line may enforce the rule the first week or so, but then go back to the old ways because it makes the guests happier/prevents them getting yelled at.

It does seem odd that they would do that as well since it's not like you are running off to a non-disney property during the wait time. You are on their property and, most likely, spending money. I don't think I would want to rush someone from having that extra course at dinner, another round, or possibly making someone consider downgrading to a quick service meal.

Re: WDW cracking down on FP return times

Posted: Feb Tue 07, 2012 1:20 pm
by Amy
momeja wrote:
MadEye wrote:I would bet money that this won't last.
True. Because they're working on a total overhaul of the system. ... -March.htm
I think FPs as we know them are going to go the way of the dinosaur. No one knows what the NextGen FPs will look like (will they come with Patrick Stewart, for example? :wink: ), but here's another article talking about what they've done with FP technology at Six Flags over Georgia:
My guess is that Disney is looking into something similar.
I hope they don't go to the "pay to play" fast pass. I like the fact that the FP are available to all park-goers at the moment.
Wizzard419 wrote:It seems like a trivial thing to do, when you think about it. If you miss your window, the pass does not return to the pool as there is no system (nor is one needed) to account for the passes upon return. There is also the human factor, mainly that the people working the line may enforce the rule the first week or so, but then go back to the old ways because it makes the guests happier/prevents them getting yelled at.
It does seem odd that they would do that as well since it's not like you are running off to a non-disney property during the wait time. You are on their property and, most likely, spending money. I don't think I would want to rush someone from having that extra course at dinner, another round, or possibly making someone consider downgrading to a quick service meal.
You make a good point about Disney not wanting people to feel rushed. It doesn't cost them anything to have people utilize their FP later than the printed time, but it would take money out of their pockets if people started skipping a dessert course in order to make their FP time.

Re: WDW cracking down on FP return times

Posted: Feb Tue 07, 2012 1:39 pm
by Wizzard419
At DLR, the only FP that they are really stringent on is for world of color since they want to get everyone in their pens on a fixed schedule. If you show up late I think they might not let you in as the sections will be closed off.

Re: WDW cracking down on FP return times

Posted: Feb Tue 07, 2012 2:38 pm
by momeja
Amy wrote:
momeja wrote:
MadEye wrote:I would bet money that this won't last.
True. Because they're working on a total overhaul of the system. ... -March.htm
I think FPs as we know them are going to go the way of the dinosaur. No one knows what the NextGen FPs will look like (will they come with Patrick Stewart, for example? :wink: ), but here's another article talking about what they've done with FP technology at Six Flags over Georgia:
My guess is that Disney is looking into something similar.
I hope they don't go to the "pay to play" fast pass. I like the fact that the FP are available to all park-goers at the moment.
I hate to say it but I think we'll see a modified form of pay to play where FP becomes a perk either for staying onsite or staying at a deluxe resort. :(

Re: WDW cracking down on FP return times

Posted: Feb Tue 07, 2012 3:02 pm
by Amy
I think you're right momeja. I'm sure Disney has been watching with interest the other theme parks and their differing front of the line methods and how much the guests will bear in terms of pricing.

Re: WDW cracking down on FP return times

Posted: Feb Tue 07, 2012 3:19 pm
by Cub
I definitely see the pros and cons of this. I feel sorry for the CM's who have to listen to guests complain about missing their FP time.
It won't effect me much, as I'm always back around whatever time my FP has on it.

Re: WDW cracking down on FP return times

Posted: Feb Wed 08, 2012 3:54 am
by SorcererDonald16
Cub wrote:I definitely see the pros and cons of this. I feel sorry for the CM's who have to listen to guests complain about missing their FP time.
It won't effect me much, as I'm always back around whatever time my FP has on it.
I'm with you. We've never used our FPs after the return time, even if it meant we had to practically run to get where we were going (ex. from France to Test Track). But I can see the up and downsides of this.

On the one hand, this would help the line from getting completely clogged since you wouldn't have people from, say as an over-simplified example, the 5-6, 6-7, 7-8 time ranges all rushing the line at 9pm and causing a backup.

On the other hand, what about guests who get stuck on a broken down ride, in a queue that had a seriously underestimated wait time, or there is a long wait to be seated for your ADR? At Epcot especially, we have run into the problem of having to wait up to an hour after our ADR to be seated at Chefs de France. That's one reason we only use FP when the return window is before any ADR we have for dinner, but people who don't go much or have never been at all likely wouldn't know that can happen. You can plan things up to the most minute details and give yourself plenty of time, but there is still no way to plan for stuff like that, IMO. What I had read (on the DIS, I think) was that it would take a Manager to approve an "excuse" for being late. That sounds like a headache waiting to happen for everyone involved-- guests, CMs, and the managers.

Re: WDW cracking down on FP return times

Posted: Feb Wed 08, 2012 10:37 am
by cy1229
Wow, Disney only has to look at history to know how badly this will go. Once something is legal, making it illegal only creates all kinds of problems. True, it's not of the monumental political and social status that prohibition and Roe v. Wade (and its proposed reversal) would have, but in the microcosm that is WDW, it's just as important to note. Guests who have been getting fast passes, knowing they can be used any time after the window, will expect to continue to be able to do so. And with the proliferation of information available electronically, it's difficult to imagine that many newcomers to Disney would know they CAN'T do this. So, what's going to happen starting in March is that a lot of CM's are going to get a lot of "You've got to be kidding me!!!" verbal abuse until they or their supervisors relent and go back to the way things were in the interest of keeping guest satisfaction and peace.

Now, if we bought that Delorean that Doc Brown had, we could go back to when FP's were first issued, and instruct the CM's to enforce the time window within reason (say 10 min early, 60 min late), make that the policy from the get-go, and leave it alone. :donald:

Re: WDW cracking down on FP return times

Posted: Feb Wed 08, 2012 11:06 am
by secondstar
I don't think the new change will adversly affect very many astute Disney-philes that frequent this (or other) Disney fan site. I've been reading so many posts here at Subsonic and it is plainly obvious a great deal of preperation goes into a WDW trip prior to arrival. A GREAT DEAL of prep!!! When most (or near all) of us on this site arrive at WDW, we will be prepared to acknowledge the change. And should we miss our window, I expect we will be respectful of the CMs, who are just doing their job. (Many here ARE CMs.)

I think the real issue will lie with the casual Disney goer -- the family that has gone a couple of times and has an idea of how things work. The traveler that doesn't research their trip. (I don't research a trip to Cedar Point. I know the park and the system.) I think it is they -- the casual visiter -- who will be upset (irate) when they get their TSM FastPass, then miss their window to enter and find all the FPs are distributed. Those of us with children know no matter how much planning goes into our trip, our young ones can change our plans quickly. (They finally fall asleep and you don't want to wake them. Something didn't set well with their belly and now you need a complete attire change. etc.) Plans change. If they expect to be allowed 20 minutes after the window has closed and are not allowed, I think that will be upsetting.

Consider this:
Imagine you have one day to visit DHS this year's trip. You've heard about Toy Story Mania and you have your FastPasses (for 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.) You have 1:45 ADRs at Prime Time Cafe. (Of course, you could not know when your FPs would be good when you made your ADRs six months ago.) You are seated 10 minutes late. You pay your bill and have 15 minutes to make TSM. Perfect! But, your 2YO NEEDS a change and the Baby Care Center is at the front of the park. You miss your window by 15 minutes. The CM, obviously sympathetic says, "I'm Sorry." The stand-by line is 90 minutes. 90 minutes with a 2YO? Not fun. In the past, 15 minutes late had not been an issue. This time, you had no idea changing your 2YO would mean missing your one and only shot at riding this ride this trip. I think this is when it will be problematic.

Perhaps the CMs can have "descretionary" FPs that can be distributed to those that miss their window when the circumstances allow. I know, this may cause more problems than solutions. But, it's a thought.