Any feedback from the New Fastpass test?

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Are you for the new fastpass distribution idea?

I'm not sure, I'll see when I try it.
Total votes: 27

Casey Junior Circus Train Conductor
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Any feedback from the New Fastpass test?

Post by mdk010 » Aug Wed 05, 2009 8:54 am

Has anyone tried out the new fastpass distrubution test that is going on in AK now? They are distrubuting the passes from a central hub rather than from only in front of the rides. I am not sure how I feel about it.

Anyone have feedback?
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Peter Pan's Flight Pixie Duster
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Post by skull » Aug Wed 05, 2009 9:12 am

Does the fastpass hub tell you what the current wait times are at the rides, as well as what the current fastpass window is? Or do you need to put your ticket in blindly hoping for the best time?

Casey Junior Circus Train Conductor
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Post by mdk010 » Aug Wed 05, 2009 9:15 am

I am not sure. I read that the return time for the fast pass is not displayed, but I am not sure. ... ewsID=2219
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Post by missynole » Aug Wed 05, 2009 9:56 am

I've seen pictures of the new area only and there's a sign over each distribution that says what Fast Pass you're getting but I don't think it has much else. I'm probably ok with the new, one location, because it saves on my walking but I'll have to see how the crowds go.

Peter Pan's Flight Pixie Duster
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Post by skull » Aug Wed 05, 2009 11:54 am

If they start to publish the fast pass return times, and possibly the current stand-by line times at the fastpass station, and they have more then just 1.. like mabye a central location in each of the "lands" of the park.. then it sounds like a really good idea

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Post by MadEye » Aug Wed 05, 2009 12:56 pm

I walked past it last week. From what I could hear from guests was utter confusion.
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Post by boilerbabe » Aug Wed 05, 2009 9:17 pm

I'm not sure how I feel about this. If the current system works...then why change it?!

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Post by Len90 » Aug Wed 05, 2009 11:53 pm

I have to agree with boilerbabe; If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
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Post by timekeeper » Aug Thu 06, 2009 7:19 am

I like the idea of NOT having to huff all the way over to Everest first thing for that fast pass. We can grab one on the way over to our 1st item for the day.

But I dont know if I want to wade thru hundreds of "lost" disney guests figuring out that they need everyone tickets, how to use the machine and which fast pass they want....

Maybe I will still walk myself over to Everest just to avoid everything I listed above.

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Post by MadEye » Aug Thu 06, 2009 7:42 am

timekeeper wrote:Maybe I will still walk myself over to Everest just to avoid everything I listed above.
If it is just you, use the single rider line. I did that the same day I noticed the "centralized" fastpasses and rode Everest twice in less than 10 minutes.

Heck, even if you are with a group the single rider line (for any attraction) is great. That is if you do not mind riding with strangers.

BTW, if anyone is wondering why there is no single rider line at Tower of Terror (arguably one that really needs it), it's because guests won't let them close it long enough to construct one. They shut the building down to touch up paint and such and there was a line of guests going down Hollywood Blvd. to complain that ToT wasn't open. From then on, if something has to be done (cable replacement for every elevator shaft, etc.), they shut down one side at a time.
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Post by Mr.ToadWildRider » Aug Thu 06, 2009 8:05 am

timekeeper wrote: But I dont know if I want to wade thru hundreds of "lost" disney guests figuring out that they need everyone tickets, how to use the machine and which fast pass they want....
This is the key reason this idea is horrible in my opinion. Lines for fast passes at the individual rides can already be bad enough. Now I may have a lot more experience with the system at this point, but I recall when they first came out being an adolescent/pre-teen and having no difficulty of understanding either the concept or the mechanics of actuall procuring a FP (I mean, I must be a genius to understand you come back at the clearly posted time and you enter your park ticket that says "Insert Park Ticket Here"); but there are some people who can't seem to grasp it for whatever reason. Now imagine hundreds of those people. Now imagine those people being expected to pick the CORRECT fast pass distributor/button (I haven't seen the setup, I assume there's either a touch screen to select an attraction like what UO used to do, or there are designated fast pass distribution machines for each ride. Regardless, my point stands). I can imagine the clan of a family with 10 people including 4 toddlers either grabbing 10 fast passes for, oh I don't know, we'll say Space Mountain when they really wanted Peter Pan- or worse still the same family of 10 accidently getting some hodge podge of attractions i.e. 4 Buzz Lightyear, 3 Jungle Cruise, 1 Peter Pan, 2 Splash Mountain) and now being able to not use any of them because they need to split. Those same people will invariably mull around their distribution machine blocking any further progress in the line, clueless, until a castmember finally approaches them at which time it will take several more minutes to remedy the situation. Now multiply that by hundreds, if not thousands. You'll need a fast pass for the fast pass line. These are the same people who can't follow basic instructions "Move all the way to the end of the row" "No flash pictures" "No standing while the ride is in motion" "Move to the center of the room" etc. etc.

Aside from that I have my own selfish reasons, I can navigate the parks pretty quickly and I plan my day on how to hit different fast passes. Now one might argue that centralizing the fast pass distributor will make my job easier but 1) I like the challenge of getting around the parks rapidly (yet always safely and courteously, no shoving grandmas down The Land's escalator or anything like that) and 2) see above re massive clog in the central artery of park X- we're going to need quadruple bypass.

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Post by MouseMan » Aug Fri 07, 2009 1:20 pm

Will this create new lines to stand in just to get the fastpass? The old system really is quite simple and you see all the information and can even visually judge the regular lines usually. So at this point I'm not ready to say the system should be changed.

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Post by GoCubsGo » Aug Mon 10, 2009 9:43 pm

Don't like the idea unless the post the current stand-by wait time versus the fp return time, so you can compare the two times to see which is better.

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Post by Mr.ToadWildRider » Aug Tue 11, 2009 7:40 am

I really think this is just going to cause one big, confused mess right in the hub of each park...exactly what we all need.

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Post by cinderella75 » Aug Tue 11, 2009 9:47 am

I have a feelin im goin to hate it :( The old way was so much ezer and faster. U jus stick ur pass in and u get ur ticket and the only thing I read is when do i return to the ride. So what?? People at the hub have to read the screen and pick what ride to get on and u know there are people not goin to decide that until they r standin in front of the hub and most likey they have to wait till there whole party gets there. They would have to put alot of hubs so there wont be long lines.I guess I will find out if I like it when I go back in July 2010. :donald: :ccat:
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