Disney Guest Caught On Vid Choking Bus Driver

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Re: Disney Guest Caught On Vid Choking Bus Driver

Post by Amy » Oct Sun 17, 2010 2:08 pm

Len90 wrote:...Now if Disney would do something like Academy Bus has done at Rutgers, then we would have had the true story. Academy has installed video cameras on all of the buses to ensure safety and prevent anything like this from happening.
I'm surprised they don't have them already. They really would be helpful for both the employee and guest's protection.

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Re: Disney Guest Caught On Vid Choking Bus Driver

Post by kcarts » Oct Sun 17, 2010 2:10 pm

Jacca5660 wrote:
Don't you work for some secret government agency in Boston, which may be foreign or domestic?

:lol: :lol: I may. Or may not. :wink:

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Re: Disney Guest Caught On Vid Choking Bus Driver

Post by Amy » Oct Sun 17, 2010 8:01 pm

kcarts wrote:
Jacca5660 wrote:
Don't you work for some secret government agency in Boston, which may be foreign or domestic?
:lol: :lol: I may. Or may not. :wink:
Spoken like a true government worker :roll: :lol:
Anyone heard any updates on this video?

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Re: Disney Guest Caught On Vid Choking Bus Driver

Post by mindflipper » Oct Sun 17, 2010 10:07 pm

I don't know if Disney is trying to "bury" it as much as controlling the publicity in order to secure as much information as possible. I think the only reason the driver probably did press charges is because he may fear becoming the center of a controversy as the media has a field day with the story. Given the press, the investigation, court appearances, and so forth creates enormous stress and wreaks havoc with your personal life. I could understand if he wants to avoid all that!

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Re: Disney Guest Caught On Vid Choking Bus Driver

Post by leblanan » Oct Mon 18, 2010 7:53 am

I can understand being frustrated, I can even understand thinking you were there first and other people got on before you did (if that actually even happened) but seriously chocking the bus driver?! What's that even going to accomplish other than getting you thrown out of Disney World
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Re: Disney Guest Caught On Vid Choking Bus Driver

Post by davea61 » Oct Tue 19, 2010 7:02 am

WOW!! People need to chill out!! My first job in life is to protect my family. That includes shielding them from violence and from people who act violently. Including myself!!! This guy needed to suck it up, think about his family first, and lead by example. Who cares who gets on first!

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Re: Disney Guest Caught On Vid Choking Bus Driver

Post by Mousekedude » Oct Tue 19, 2010 8:58 am

Look, the real issue here has only been hinted at and no one is willing to come right out and say it, so I will. This whole thing is being kept on the down-low and hush-hush because everybody is living in fear of offending Muslims. There, I said it.
I for one am sick and frickin tired of one certain group getting a pass on outrageous behavior for the simple reason that they might get "offended" or cry about "discrimination." Yes, all people are deserving of respect and equal treatment. Yes, all people should be shown compassion for their feelings. But there is absolutely no reason in h**l that this guy's behavior should go unpunished! Anybody else, from any other social/religious/ethnic group, who acted in such a way would be in jail... period! Seriously, folks, no matter what the bus driver may have said or done (and I seriously, seriously doubt it was anything harsh), there...is...no...excuse for this guy to go berserk! That's assault and battery!
So why didn't the police come? Nobody called them? Why not? Political correctness! Everybody's scared of Muslims! Ridiculous.

And before anybody accuses me of being "anti-muslim", don't even go there! I know several, with whom I happen to have a very good relationship, and they are also appalled by this guy! There are bad apples in every group, and the actions of some can't be used to denigrate the group as a whole... yeah, yeah, I know all that.... and that's not the point here! The point is that no individual should get a pass on violent behavior just because the current political climate has everyone in fear of offending the "group" that person belongs to, and I'm convinced that is exactly what's happening here. It's just plain wrong, and it's an insult to every other honorable human being. I knew a long time ago that we would start seeing more and more incidents like this... I predicted it, especially after the girl who sued Disney over the Hijab issue. Yes, the vast majority of Muslims living here in the States are decent, peacable people, and I whole-heartedly agree with that fact. But unfortunately, there is that radical element that is looking to exploit every opportunity they can find, and it's a crying shame that our politicians, and now Disney, seem to be buckling to them in fear. That's what's really going on. I would love to hear any other logical explanation... if you can find one.

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Re: Disney Guest Caught On Vid Choking Bus Driver

Post by mindflipper » Oct Tue 19, 2010 9:41 am

M-dude, it doesn't matter what race, religion or creed there will always be radical elements of every type. It's not just muslims. Pro-lifers that bombed abortion clinics? Radicals. Kids who go shooting up schools and colleges? Radicals. Michael Moore? Political extremist/radical. Let's face, this country is full of them and their population seems to be growing. Radicals are the norm in a yen-yang kind of way, and yet we all see them and hear about them all the time. If it were not for the press that sensationalize radicals for their own profits, most of the radicals would melt away in the background and never to be seen or heard of again. But as long as their is TV talk-show out there to go on, more radicals seem to get spurred on. Nowadays every "bad apple" wants their 15 minutes of fame.

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Re: Disney Guest Caught On Vid Choking Bus Driver

Post by Mousekedude » Oct Tue 19, 2010 9:59 am

mindflipper wrote:M-dude, it doesn't matter what race, religion or creed there will always be radical elements of every type. It's not just muslims. Pro-lifers that bombed abortion clinics? Radicals. Kids who go shooting up schools and colleges? Radicals. Michael Moore? Political extremist/radical. Let's face, this country is full of them and their population seems to be growing. Radicals are the norm in a yen-yang kind of way, and yet we all see them and hear about them all the time. If it were not for the press that sensationalize radicals for their own profits, most of the radicals would melt away in the background and never to be seen or heard of again. But as long as their is TV talk-show out there to go on, more radicals seem to get spurred on. Nowadays every "bad apple" wants their 15 minutes of fame.
But that's precisely my point, bro! And in every one of those you listed, if an individual from that group does something violent, he...goes...to....jail!
Or at least gets arrested and fined, or something! He does not skate free and clear without even a slap on the hand! So why not this guy? Any logical reason you can think of? All I'm saying is that people need to stop seeing race/religion/ethnicity in their response to an incident and start treating every wrong-doer the same as they would anyone else. Equal rights, equal punishment. No excuses. I don't see that happening here. I see a jerk dirt-bag getting away scot-free with a violent act simply because some people are afraid of the radical elements in the "group" he happens to belong to. What lesson do you think he and others like him learn from this?

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Re: Disney Guest Caught On Vid Choking Bus Driver

Post by boilerbabe » Oct Tue 19, 2010 10:11 am

Well said M-dude!!!

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Re: Disney Guest Caught On Vid Choking Bus Driver

Post by mindflipper » Oct Tue 19, 2010 10:14 am

First, I don't know much about this particular individual. He may come from a muslim background. I have no idea if he or any acquaitance of his is an extremist/radical or has affiliation with such. My best guess is that he is simply a jerk, a pain-in-the-ass, etc. To be a jerk has no restrictions of race, sex, or creed. For some reason, Disney can be bring out the worst in jerks no differently it can bring out the "kid" in other children and adults. Sad, but true.

As to the reason why charges are not being pressed - again, I don't know as there simply is not enough information. There could be other reasons. Maybe the wife sincerely apologized and told the driver, "I'm sorry, but husband can be an enourmous a-s-s sometimes, but please don't hold that against me and my family." Maybe the guy was really contrite after he was restrained and calmed down. Could be any number of reasons. I'm not going to mark it down to political correctness just yet.

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Re: Disney Guest Caught On Vid Choking Bus Driver

Post by Mousekedude » Oct Tue 19, 2010 10:14 am

boilerbabe wrote:Well said M-dude!!!
Thank you. I guarantee I'm not the only one here who thinks this way.... :wink:

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Re: Disney Guest Caught On Vid Choking Bus Driver

Post by Mousekedude » Oct Tue 19, 2010 10:22 am

mindflipper wrote:First, I don't know much about this particular individual. He may come from a muslim background. I have no idea if he or any acquaitance of his is an extremist/radical or has affiliation with such. My best guess is that he is simply a jerk, a pain-in-the-ass, etc. To be a jerk has no restrictions of race, sex, or creed. For some reason, Disney can be bring out the worst in jerks no differently it can bring out the "kid" in other children and adults. Sad, but true.

As to the reason why charges are not being pressed - again, I don't know as there simply is not enough information. There could be other reasons. Maybe the wife sincerely apologized and told the driver, "I'm sorry, but husband can be an enourmous a-s-s sometimes, but please don't hold that against me and my family." Maybe the guy was really contrite after he was restrained and calmed down. Could be any number of reasons. I'm not going to mark it down to political correctness just yet.
Again, my point is: it doesn't matter what his background and connections may or not be, he should be punished the same as anyone else, without political correctness being a factor.
As for your second point about him being truly contrite, or his wife pleading for mercy, or whatever.... okay, good point, but I respectfully disagree that those should be valid reasons for no punishment at all. At the very least he should have been arrested and fined. If he's really really sorry, or whatever, let a judge decide how severe the punishment should be... but at the very least he should have to go before a judge, not go home free and clear!
I still believe that the only reason nothing happened to this particular jerk is because of political correctness. Fear of bad publicity.

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Re: Disney Guest Caught On Vid Choking Bus Driver

Post by Jacca5660 » Oct Tue 19, 2010 11:09 am

If this had been a case of domestic violence, no mater what the wife said someone would have gone to jail. In this state a wife's pleas don't just make it go away! I think DUDE hit the nail on the head!! It's the fear factor when it comes to Muslims!! I think he should have been treated just like any other jerk in this country and they should have stuck his butt in jail!! I have no problem with immigrants, Lord knows I'm only 2 generation American, but if you want to come here, you have to be come American!!! I don't care if in "MY" country we're allowed to kill for our honor!! This is now your country!! You don't like it, the are flights back to "YOUR" country every hour of every day.

Enough is enough!! Here read this one:


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Re: Disney Guest Caught On Vid Choking Bus Driver

Post by kcarts » Oct Tue 19, 2010 2:19 pm

For something to have "happened" to this guy, the driver would have to press charges. He was the one assaulted. He is the one that needs to press charges.

I dont think the issue here is a culture of political correctness.

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