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Posted: Jul Wed 02, 2008 8:45 am
by Guy
....are you telling me that there are actually people out there that don't like Disney? :shock:

Posted: Jul Wed 02, 2008 1:18 pm
by danimal3114u
Guy wrote:....oooo I hadn't actually thought of the complainers. :?
The complainers are actually the thing that impacted me (and my wife, she worked in stores) the most. Being backstage is pretty fun, and yes the corporate side of Disney is a "corporate side", but you go in realizing that. Hearing your co-workers constantly complain (some of it unfounded, some legitimate) is what takes away from the experience much more than just being backstage and seeing how everything works.

Posted: Jul Wed 02, 2008 1:45 pm
by elizabethswann
Guy wrote:....are you telling me that there are actually people out there that don't like Disney? :shock:
I didn't know they existed either! :P

Posted: Jul Wed 02, 2008 2:00 pm
by bigthunderlover
I live six hours away and go many times a year because i have a premium pass. I never get sick of it. But as far as being closer to the park... I think that it would be awesome to beable to be there for the seasonal things like for example this summer's Indiana jones Summer of Hidden Mysteries.

Posted: Jul Thu 17, 2008 3:36 pm
by Slimmer Kimmers
I grew up about 900 miles from Disneyland and if we were lucky we would go about once a year. Now that we live in So Cal (about an hour and a half from DLR) my family and I enjoy going about once a month with our APs. I have to say that it's so refreshing to be able to slow down at the parks and not feel rushed to see everything. Because of my husband's work schedule we usually don't get to the parks until around 3 or 4 o'clock in the afternoon. And if we don't get around to a particular attraction one time we know that we'll just catch it next time. far the magic isn't gone for us and I don't picture it happening, either! :D

Posted: Jul Mon 28, 2008 5:07 pm
by Bullwinkle
Disneyland and I go way back....It's a complete and utter joy to go to the park and just hang out and relax...No rides, just atmosphere and theming...Kinda nice to relax in the park, shops and not have to run around or stand inline...totally different karma
I highly recommend (sp?) it

Posted: Jul Thu 31, 2008 2:29 pm
by billville
I used to live in so cal for my entire life up until my recent move here to las vegas, but when we did we went to DL every month just about. It never, ever lost its magic with us. Yea there were months when we didnt go, but we always just went when we felt it was time. Sometimes we would just go to watch the fireworks on main street on a friday night if we had nothing to do. :mrgreen:

Posted: Aug Tue 05, 2008 12:30 pm
by bamato
This thread was a bad idea for me to post... lol.... I live in AZ and am in the process of buying a new home and it makes me want to drop my plans and just move to So Cal. :cry:

I still think I would greatly enjoy being able to take my wife out at night just to see the fireworks or something. And I would love to be an AP holder, and make it worth it.

Posted: Aug Sun 10, 2008 11:33 am
by Boaz16
I worked at Disneyland in foods, Casa Mexicana, for 14 years; 1986-2000. After I left my wife and I bought passes and have had them ever since. Now we have 21 month old twin daughters and take them to the park at least once a week, even more during these summer months. I have a different perspective with a lot of "inside, behind the magic" knowledge, but Disneyland never loses it's uniqueness. Our friends say we will spoil it for our daughters but they love going!

It will always be special to me; my first job, I met my wife in '87, our first date=fireworks, many anniversary trips, lifelong friends, endless memories and now we have begun to share all of this with our family.

Posted: Aug Tue 19, 2008 12:40 pm
by acgonzales
Oh heck no! In fact it makes it more better! I used to live in Sacramento, CA, and would only be able to go to DLR like maybe 2-3 times a year. But now that I live in San Bernardino which is 45 minutes away, I purchased a premium AP and go every other weekend now! I love it and so does my 7 year old son, we cant get enough! Now for us the experience is different as to if you were to go on vacation and cram DLR into 2 or 3 days. Now when we go we take our time an only go for a couple of hours because we can go back the next weekend or even the next day if we like! :mickey:

Posted: Oct Wed 08, 2008 6:49 pm
by underdasea34
It never loses it's happiness. My first time to go ever was 2 years ago on my honeymoon, since then, we've gone several times a month. It is just as much fun and happy as ever.

I will say I've gotten alot more into the details and history of the park since becoming an AP. I like to spend my time now looking for hidden mickeys, or just taking my time strolling through the different lands and soaking it all in. It's such a happy get-a-way from real life.

Posted: Oct Wed 08, 2008 7:23 pm
by abrcrmbegrl20
I live in Las Vegas so about 4-5 hours away. And like most who don't live in California. only go about once a year. I've wondered if it loses it's magic. I go to Disney World at least once a year and my brother lives in Sarasota and goes at least once every 2-3 months and it always makes me wonder.

Posted: Oct Wed 08, 2008 10:53 pm
by Akyriel
I used to live in Celebration, just across I-4 from DisneyWorld and have been hundreds of times to the parks... It never grows old, just matures into a much more relaxed experience and ability to explore the World in more detail than you can get on a one or two week vacation.

Posted: Oct Thu 09, 2008 10:34 am
by chefbuns
I don't think it does and I probably go about twice a month. My husband is becoming a giant fan and really the only reason he began going was for me. We are there all the time. Actually, I think it might even better than only going once a year or so. We actually get the opportunity to enjoy the environment as opposed to running from ride to ride to get it all in. We stop and enjoy the Dapper Dans, Dixieland Jazz Band, the parades, etc. because we know that if we don't get to something this trip it will only be a couple of weeks before we are back and we can get to it then.

Posted: Oct Thu 09, 2008 5:21 pm
by horizons1
When I lived in SoCal I had a DL pass and used to sometimes go there just for lunch. Now that I have a job that takes me to Florida regularly I have a WDW pass and have gone there just for dinner! Ok, dinner and Spaceship Earth or dinner and Rock N Rollercoaster. But still - it hasn't gotten old!