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Hey All! Did someone put my life on fast forward?

Posted: Sep Sat 04, 2010 5:21 pm
by hockeygirl
Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't had much time to get on here lately... Geez! It seems like someone put my life on fast forward since surgery! I went back to school 7 weeks after surgery and made a 4.0 in chemistry and rock music! First time ever in college to get good grades like that. :D Got more classes in 2 weeks, chemistry and physics. Looking forward to that. I'm leaving tonight for 2 weeks at the World. :hm_ghost: My little reward/break before classes start again. Plus I get to see some friends that I haven't seen in 2 years so I'm really looking forward to that.

Doing well with the BLA. No major crises. Getting up and doing way more than ever before. I never knew how exhausting real life can be! :mrgreen: Lost about 11 pounds so far, so that's making me happy too. I haven't lost weight in years because of the Cushing's.

Not much else going on. Just seems like I never have time to just sit and relax any more because someone's got me going somewhere and doing something. I'll try to be on here more often.


Re: Hey All! Did someone put my life on fast forward?

Posted: Sep Sat 04, 2010 6:09 pm
by Jacca5660
WELCOME BACK HONEY!! Then again I see you on FB all the time!! Congrats with school, I've been following you closely!!

Re: Hey All! Did someone put my life on fast forward?

Posted: Sep Sat 04, 2010 6:24 pm
by Amy
Yay! hockeygirl is back!! We've missed you and been wondering how you were doing. When you get a chance we would still love to see your make-over you did on your last trip :D

Re: Hey All! Did someone put my life on fast forward?

Posted: Sep Sat 04, 2010 7:00 pm
by hockeygirl
Thanks guys! Will post pics when I get home. See ya real soon! :mickey2:

Re: Hey All! Did someone put my life on fast forward?

Posted: Sep Sat 04, 2010 7:01 pm
by boilerbabe
WELCOME back hockeygirl! We've been worried about you!!! Nice job on your grades. Glad to hear you are feeling good and the surgery went well!!! Pixie dust and hugs headed to you!!! :D

Re: Hey All! Did someone put my life on fast forward?

Posted: Sep Sat 04, 2010 11:49 pm
by Len90
Good to see you back and even better to hear that you got that 4.0. If I may ask are you taking General Physics in two weeks? I just started my semester this past week and I am General Physics.

Hope you have a blast at the world. You deserve that hard earned vacation!

Re: Hey All! Did someone put my life on fast forward?

Posted: Sep Sat 04, 2010 11:58 pm
by hockeygirl
Thanks Boilerbabe!

Thanks Len! yup, it's general physics. It's a 3 quarter series. We'll have to compare notes. I'm really looking forward to it. It looks fascinating.

Re: Hey All! Did someone put my life on fast forward?

Posted: Sep Mon 20, 2010 7:00 pm
by MmeLeota
Welcome back Hockeygirl! We've all been anxiously awaiting your return since we had not heard anything. I'm so glad everything went well and that you are succeeding in your classes! (And congrats on the weight loss too!)

Don't be a stranger now... :)

Re: Hey All! Did someone put my life on fast forward?

Posted: Sep Mon 20, 2010 9:23 pm
by Mousekedude
Yay! Hockeygirl is back! We've been really anxious around here since we didn't hear from you. Some of us don't do the whole Facebook thing, so this is the only forum we can keep in touch with you on. Please come back on soon and post pics. We especially want to see the ones of you wearing your Subsonic t-shirt at Disneyland! :D

Re: Hey All! Did someone put my life on fast forward?

Posted: Oct Thu 07, 2010 12:51 am
by hockeygirl
Hey guys! Dang, this is the first chance I've really had since I got back to sit down on the computer and check stuff out. Chem is going along fabulously. I'm pretty sure I aced today's test. Booyah! I ended up dropping physics because I was just getting so stressed out by it! It was really affecting my health, so I'll take it later when I've got some more school time under my belt and a few other classes (including math) that might make it easier. I was going to go for the Disney CP for next summer, but now it looks like I'm going to be taking chemistry all summer so I can go into organic chem with my fab instructor in the fall. Disney will be there the next year, it's not going anywhere. It's harder to find a good O-chem instructor me thinks!

Re: Hey All! Did someone put my life on fast forward?

Posted: Oct Thu 07, 2010 1:14 am
by Len90
hockeygirl wrote:Hey guys! Dang, this is the first chance I've really had since I got back to sit down on the computer and check stuff out. Chem is going along fabulously. I'm pretty sure I aced today's test. Booyah! I ended up dropping physics because I was just getting so stressed out by it! It was really affecting my health, so I'll take it later when I've got some more school time under my belt and a few other classes (including math) that might make it easier. I was going to go for the Disney CP for next summer, but now it looks like I'm going to be taking chemistry all summer so I can go into organic chem with my fab instructor in the fall. Disney will be there the next year, it's not going anywhere. It's harder to find a good O-chem instructor me thinks!
I'll tell you from experience that O-chem is very tough and if you get a good instructor than you could be in great shape. I personally had terrible instructors which made o-chem the most dreaded subject I ever took. As for physics, I can only offer this little joke: Stress is not a force but tension is.

Glad to hear you're finding gen chem easy.

Re: Hey All! Did someone put my life on fast forward?

Posted: Oct Thu 07, 2010 9:49 am
by Amy
Glad to hear you are faring well hockeygirl! Go for the classes and good instructors while you can. As you said, the CP will be there next summer. Still waiting patiently for photos of your trip :D

Re: Hey All! Did someone put my life on fast forward?

Posted: Oct Sun 17, 2010 4:57 pm
by Soarin08
And just think, you get to see me at Thanksgiving too! :) Your life is awesome now!