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Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?

Posted: Sep Thu 29, 2011 4:17 pm
by Soarin08
I have a weather headache too!!! Gah! Those are just among the many headache varieties I get...

I'm not listening to anything right now... that's unusual for me, I usually always have something playing...

Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?

Posted: Sep Fri 30, 2011 7:57 pm
by elizabethswann
I've been expanding my iTunes library but while I'm expanding, I've been listening to Queen, The Rolling Stones and now I'm going to listen to David Bowie. I want to get to listening to the Labyrinth soundtrack since I got around to watching the movie earlier this week finally. I really enjoyed it.

Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?

Posted: Sep Fri 30, 2011 10:54 pm
by Len90
boilerbabe wrote: I have a headache too! :( But I think mine is from the weather, whereas I think your's is from studying, right?! Feel better Len!
I actually am a migraine sufferer. My headaches tend to cluster and are triggered very easily by weather changes. This week has been crazy as we have had more changes in the weather between sun and rain this week than Florida will see all summer!!! The studying could be a culprit but this time I just wish the headaches would clear so I could actually focus to study.

Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?

Posted: Oct Sat 01, 2011 10:10 am
by boilerbabe
Len90 wrote:
boilerbabe wrote: I have a headache too! :( But I think mine is from the weather, whereas I think your's is from studying, right?! Feel better Len!
I actually am a migraine sufferer. My headaches tend to cluster and are triggered very easily by weather changes. This week has been crazy as we have had more changes in the weather between sun and rain this week than Florida will see all summer!!! The studying could be a culprit but this time I just wish the headaches would clear so I could actually focus to study.
I'm sorry to hear that Len.

Right now I'm listening to the heat kick on! :twisted:

Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?

Posted: Oct Sat 01, 2011 11:29 am
by Amy
boilerbabe wrote:
Len90 wrote:
boilerbabe wrote: I have a headache too! :( But I think mine is from the weather, whereas I think your's is from studying, right?! Feel better Len!
I actually am a migraine sufferer. My headaches tend to cluster and are triggered very easily by weather changes. This week has been crazy as we have had more changes in the weather between sun and rain this week than Florida will see all summer!!! The studying could be a culprit but this time I just wish the headaches would clear so I could actually focus to study.
I'm sorry to hear that Len.

Right now I'm listening to the heat kick on! :twisted:
The weather-related headaches have been awful these past few months. Hope you are feeling better Len!
B-babe ~ you gave in and turned on the heat?! No, no, no. Still some 70 degree days on the way!! Don't let F1gment see this ~ I tell her to put on more clothes :lol: She currently has on long johns under her jeans and a the house...less money for heating = more money for Disney trips ;)

Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?

Posted: Oct Sun 02, 2011 2:49 am
by Soarin08
Len90 wrote:
boilerbabe wrote: I have a headache too! :( But I think mine is from the weather, whereas I think your's is from studying, right?! Feel better Len!
I actually am a migraine sufferer. My headaches tend to cluster and are triggered very easily by weather changes. This week has been crazy as we have had more changes in the weather between sun and rain this week than Florida will see all summer!!! The studying could be a culprit but this time I just wish the headaches would clear so I could actually focus to study.
Goodness, Len, I think you're my long-lost twin brother... same thing with me, to a T! Exactly the same. I thought I was the only one!

Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?

Posted: Oct Sun 02, 2011 5:44 pm
by Mousekedude
Amy wrote:
Mousekedude wrote:The jukebox at my favorite Mexican restaurant while waiting for my sweetie to join me for Margaritas after work (posting this from my iPhone just to see how it works)...
New phone? You'll love it ~ just don't let Len near it :shock: ;)
I thought that was your morning food treat when you went to the Man Zone :?
Oops, sorry I missed this. No, I've had the phone for a while... just never thought about using it to post on Sub until the other day. :roll: :lol:
And actually, I have two favorite Mexican restaurants. The one you're thinking of is my breakfast hangout. The other one is where I usually go for dinner and some awesome margaritas... although I wish they would start making the Jalapeno Margaritas I so love from WDW. :wink:

Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?

Posted: Oct Sun 02, 2011 8:19 pm
by Amy
Mousekedude wrote:...And actually, I have two favorite Mexican restaurants. The one you're thinking of is my breakfast hangout. The other one is where I usually go for dinner and some awesome margaritas... although I wish they would start making the Jalapeno Margaritas I so love from WDW. :wink:
Have you thought about asking them if they can make a jalapeƱo margarita?

Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?

Posted: Oct Mon 03, 2011 12:42 pm
by Jacca5660
Amy? Why don't you ever write how you are listening to yourself playing Disney music???

Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?

Posted: Oct Mon 03, 2011 4:59 pm
by MmeLeota
Jacca5660 wrote:Amy? Why don't you ever write how you are listening to yourself playing Disney music???
Good point Jacca... ;)

I am currently listening to some large claps of thunder, and hoping we actually get some rain from the threatening looking clouds...

Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?

Posted: Oct Mon 03, 2011 6:59 pm
by Amy
Jacca5660 wrote:Amy? Why don't you ever write how you are listening to yourself playing Disney music???
You ever hear about the people that work on computers all day and how they don't want to see one once they get home after work? Sadly, the piano has become like that these past few years for me. I have to practice for when I accompany one of my students for solo and ensemble (him on trumpet, me on piano) and I play a Christmas medley at the holidays. But other than that...I hope to get back into it next year so I don't become too rusty :(
Hope you get some rain MmeLeota!

Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?

Posted: Oct Mon 03, 2011 7:20 pm
by Soarin08
I'm listening to the girl sitting near me in the library chomp on dry cereal.

Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?

Posted: Oct Mon 03, 2011 7:23 pm
by MmeLeota
Well, the rain dance worked! We finally got a lovely downpour this afternoon! :mrgreen:

Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?

Posted: Oct Mon 03, 2011 9:49 pm
by Soarin08
MmeLeota wrote:Well, the rain dance worked! We finally got a lovely downpour this afternoon! :mrgreen:
LUCKY, it rained for about two seconds here today... and now because of the weather freakiness I have a headache. :evil:

Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?

Posted: Oct Tue 04, 2011 8:01 pm
by DAR
Yankees/Tigers on in the background.