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Posted: Oct Mon 23, 2006 10:32 pm
by Gizmata
That South Park episode was so cool and so true.

I love how the father got away with playing at work... :)

Rob Pardo: Whoever this person is, he has played World of Warcraft nearly every hour of every day for the past year and a half. Gentlemen, we are dealing with someone here who...has absolutely no life.
Blizzard executive: How do you kill...that which has no life?

I wish I could find the quote where cartman is asking if Kyle? is spec'd as a fast cast... but hes a fire wizard.. :\ It was funny how they said it.

Posted: Oct Wed 25, 2006 6:48 pm
by Moviemaker137
LOL Oh the mighty South Park Episode... ROFL I couldn't stop laughing at Cartman... I mean come on The whole Hot pockets and bed pan thing? Priceless... though a bit extreme... other than that I like WOW just I don't play it because of the monthly fee...:( I would though... right now instead I have leaned toward Neverwinter Nights... anybody else on the server play that RPG if so I think I have a server that you should try.

Let me know.

Ok so since we are talking of the South Park WOW episode I went on Google and found the entire script yeah its pretty freakin sweet :)

Heres the quote you were looking for I think though:

Cartman: Okay, hit him with pyroblast, Kyle.
Kyle: Casting... there's an 8-second cast time.
Cartman: Aren't you spec'd to reduce cast time?
Kyle: No, ah, I'm an arcane fire mage.
Cartman: ...Christ.

Yep South Park pretty much got it right with this one.


Posted: Nov Sun 05, 2006 3:35 pm
by subsonic
I'd bet Trey and Matt play.

In a way I'm glad the expansion was delayed, SR 2.0 it top priority so it means I won't miss the WoW expansion this month.

Posted: Nov Mon 06, 2006 9:46 am
by knedeau
Never winter nights? I've played that, just not the online version

Posted: Nov Wed 08, 2006 4:31 pm
by Moviemaker137
I've always wanted to play WoW but I feel I get the same thing from NWN w/o the membership charge... or did they remove that? Im not sure but yeah the NWN Online gaming is really what is the coolest part of it for me. I've played WOW before and well it was more powergaming to me and less RP but I don't know maybe if I bought it it would change my mind. Anybody who can give me some reasons to switch I'd be more than welcome to hear them.


Posted: Nov Thu 09, 2006 11:31 am
by subsonic
You are correct, WoW is more power gaming that RP. There's not really a "story" to it.

But, if you haven't played an MMO, it's a pretty amazing experience. They are quite addicting. It's cool to know 90% of the objects runing around are real people. But, it's definitely a time sink.

Posted: Nov Thu 30, 2006 3:04 pm
by borjoyzee
I was Fancy the Bard!

Posted: Dec Mon 04, 2006 7:25 pm
by Moviemaker137
I have been playing NWN for more than a year now and its amazing how quick you get addicted... sometimes I feel like the players I rp with become like family lol its kinda weird but thats how comfortable you get to know their characters and logins... might just be me but *shrugs* Thats just how I roll... personally I want to get the new version but it would be hecka expensive to upgrade my comp to that level to play NWN2 *shakes head* Oh if they only made it easier to transfer I would be set... anyways I have talked to much... if your interested in any info on it Google it or get the game and send me a message I'll direct anybody interested to the server I play :)


Posted: Dec Tue 05, 2006 12:39 pm
by subsonic
What sucks is, in WoW, if I start playing the expansion I'll still be upset I can't play with all of my friends. There's people I know on so many different servers.

Posted: May Tue 29, 2007 11:25 am
by subsonic
Woah, getting back into this again. (For those of you that worry that I won't be working on the site as much like last year, don't worry. I always play games, just I'm using WoW again in place of Zelda and Quake 3)

We're getting several people in the chat to join us. If anybody else plays we play on--
Server: Crushridge
Faction: Alliance
Guild: The Red Scales

Come on and join us!
Do a "/who red scales"
And then msg anybody there and ask for "sub"

Posted: May Wed 30, 2007 2:31 pm
by Dr. Ravenscroft
Uh Oh we lost Sub again. :D He is getting lost in the WoW and not working on the site. :lol: Just kidding sub.

Posted: Feb Tue 19, 2008 5:44 am
by acp
See, now this is the fault of you lot. I started playing WoW on Sunday. By Monday evening, I was a level 10 Human Mage.

I started off playing the free 10 day trial, but I now seem to have ordered the game from to carry on after the 10 days.

Unfortunately though, I don't think I'll be able to find most of you on there though, since I'm on the European servers rather than the US servers...


Posted: Feb Tue 19, 2008 9:05 am
by Dr. Ravenscroft
HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! Another one gets added to the guild. I still have yet to purchase said game and I think I'm all the better for it..... :P I like my free time.....

I have a good video for you guys and girls:

I find this funny because usually I'm the guy at the door trying to get one of you to go outside and enjoy the sun (in all honesty the sun is evil)

Posted: Feb Tue 19, 2008 6:22 pm
by elizabethswann
my friend is now addicted to WoW. she's always distracted by it and i love it when she shows me screen caps of her character. it makes me want to watch the south park episode now.

Posted: Feb Fri 22, 2008 3:25 pm
by SWHorn
I won't touch WoW. If I did, I would never see the light of day again. :)

I'm also much more of a console person, anyway. I'm still holding out for some of those good MMOs that are supposed to come to the Xbox someday.