Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

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Post by SpaceyMounty » Mar Thu 13, 2008 11:20 pm

AKLRULZ wrote:The trailer is great!
Agreed! I can't wait to see it!
I may have to see it at midnight....if it's available.
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Post by Breton » Mar Mon 24, 2008 2:35 am

I can't wait either for it to come out, I love all the Indy movies.

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Post by skull » Mar Mon 24, 2008 6:15 am

makes me want to go out and buy the first 3 now! :wink:

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Post by happyfunball » Apr Wed 30, 2008 4:24 pm

its only 3 weeks away now, plus a few days till it opens. been waiting a long time for this one. they went through a lot of scripts till everone (*cough*, lucas) was happy so I'm hoping that it won't be a stain on the other 3.
even its its on par with temple of doom, imo the weakest, I'll be satisifed.

they better release it on blu-ray when it comes time for the home video release or I'm gonna be steamed.

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Post by disneydreamer58 » May Thu 01, 2008 8:01 am

I can't wait to go see this. And he isn't THAT old....LOL and yes he is still a hottie in my book!
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Post by SWHorn » May Fri 02, 2008 5:37 pm

The midnight showing tickets just went on sale here. I'll have to go down and pick some up soon.
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Post by Breton » May Fri 02, 2008 7:34 pm

I am defiantly looking forward to seeing the movie, I love the other movies!

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Post by Esmeralda » May Tue 27, 2008 8:59 am

I went to see Indy on Memorial Day! I didn't have real high expectations, but my finace sure did and we both loved it. Crystal Skull is very similar to the Raiders of the Lost Ark in styling, but based on a '50s B movie instead of a '30s B movie. Harrison Ford and Karen Allen were both fantastic and acted their respective ages. I won't say any more due to spoilers, but I'd highly recommend the film!

Now if they would just update the show at's about time! :mrgreen:
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Post by Calypso » May Tue 27, 2008 9:54 am

My daughters and I saw it the day it opened. I thought it was awesome, but I'm a Disney fan anyway. There were some scenes that I thought were kind of cheesy and the ending was . . . strange. But, it was great and I can't wait to see it again!

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Post by Croaker » May Tue 27, 2008 3:02 pm

I thought they did a great Job! I was worried they would just make this movie for $$ and leave us with a crappy plot. there are certain parts of the movie i really liked. it was good to see they really put thought into it. I highly recomend it. will disclose the parts i liked once more have seen it.

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Post by Calypso » May Tue 27, 2008 6:36 pm

I was worried they would just make this movie for $$ and leave us with a crappy plot.
The plot left a lot to be desired, but you have to give it a 10 for sticking with the theme of Indy movies and the tribute to Indy movies of the past. And, Indy has not changed, other than being older (ok, alot older). But his wit and luck (good? bad? think jungle scene with rocket launcher) is SO Indy! I think they wanted to make $, but the only way to do that was to use the same Indy formula that worked 19+ years ago. For us Indy fans, that is what we have been waiting for.

Cheshire Cat
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Post by Cheshire Cat » May Tue 27, 2008 8:30 pm

I don't know, I thought it was good, but not extraordinary. The plot is just too similar to Raiders and the script was sort of plain. There were a few moments however that just seemed like classic Indy such as "the rope" and the classic, 'figure-it-out-just-before-it-happens' plot device, "three times it drops" :lol: .

I'm not really into sci-fi, so I wasn't all that impressed with that twist ending. It reminded me too much of the end of the X-files movie. I think that's what the problem for me was that it resembled too many other movies instead of just Indy. I wish they had taken a new direction with this film plot-wise like when they made Temple of Doom.

On the other hand... it was pretty cool driving through Yale-New Haven just two hours prior to seeing the movie and then seeing the transformation of the city into the '50s era on screen. I guess that's what it feels like to live in LA whenever they make a movie? 8-)

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Post by AKLRULZ » May Wed 28, 2008 5:48 am

Overall enjoyed it - the ending was ridiculously stupid. Indy meets X-Files. Good summer movie though.
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Post by Captain Schnemo » Jun Mon 16, 2008 5:53 am

Surprise, surprise, the grumpy guy didn't like it.

(Spoilers and complaints to follow.)

The best thing about it was the music. George Lucas had a writing credit, and when he's not ripping off classic Japanese samurai movies, he is a complete hack (the Force comes from microbes?!? Allow me to punch you until you die...), so that was probably part of the problem.

But really you have to lay this one at the feet of Spielberg. All the right elements were there...I thought it was great that they brought Marion back for more than just a cameo, the kid was fine, poking fun at Indy's age was cute, but...blah.

The film is just completely stale. Every scene was lifted from a better one in a previous movie. It felt like a bad director's parody of Raiders. The humor completely fell flat, the character interaction was bland and boring, and there was no sense of danger or excitement. Almost everything was too forced, even the trademark elements. It's movie death when "bickering" scenes aren't funny or clever (and conversely, good banter can make a good movie great (see: Iron Man)), which highlights the broader just doesn't have that sense of "fun". Spielberg was sleepwalking through this thing.

Indy's charm is that he's not a superhero, but he's way smart and occasionally very lucky. In Raiders, he didn't kick that bald Nazi's butt, but luck/tricked him into splatting in the propeller. In this movie, he beats the crap out of a much younger and stronger bad guy. It's counter to everything we know and like about Indy.

Additionally, in the past it seemed like Indy was just scraping by, but in this one, it was like he was counting on some magical plot twist to save him. We all know that's coming, of course, but it should at least be a surprise to the characters.

The villain didn't hold up either, really. Blanchett did what she could with the part (and looked kinky/hot like the Nazi chick from the third movie), but she didn't get any good dialog. She also didn't get any chance to be particularly's implied that she has some kind of psychic powers, but then she never uses them. The coolest/sexiest thing she does in the movie is kill an ant.

The ending was just a rip-off of Raiders, but far less spooky and memorable, and things only seem to happen to mirror the other film. They don't make any sense on their own.

In the end, it's not Ford's age that bothered me, it's Spielberg's. He just seems tired and willing to half-ass it, which was a real shame. I have great affection for the Indy series, and I never imagined a movie with "Indiana Jones" in the title would be boring.

I had low expectations and they weren't met.

Joe Bob says stay home and rent Raiders. Or download it or whatever the kids do these days.

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Post by HakuOni » Jun Mon 16, 2008 6:42 am

i saw the movie and thought it as cool, i would like it if they had stuck with the same animations from the other films but all in all it was a hit!

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