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Space Ship Earth RIDE music "Jeremy Irons"

Posted: Jan Fri 02, 2009 9:58 pm
by soapdishbandit
I have been looking feverishly for the entire track to Space Ship Earth music with Jeremy Irons. If it could be played I would be VERY happy. I see some that are done on youtube, very bad quality, though. If anyone can help, I would be very happy. CD quality or just about :) Does it exist?

Posted: Jan Fri 02, 2009 10:27 pm
by elizabethswann
Walt Disney World - EPCOT - futureworld - spaceship earth - ride through is the Jeremy Irons audio.

If it's just the instrumental version you're looking for, Walt Disney World - EPCOT - futureworld - spaceship earth - intrumental - complete attraction (1994) is the one.

Posted: Feb Tue 24, 2009 5:46 pm
by invader07
That is a really good track.