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Posted: Jan Wed 06, 2010 6:33 am
by bhead88
According to a Yahoo! article, there's a petition going around the internet trying to get Disney to replace Tom Sawyers Island with a painfully stupid replica of the TV show Lost. Their argument? Disney is the parent company to ABC so why not do it?

Is anyone else ready to set some people ablaze?

Posted: Jan Wed 06, 2010 8:26 am
by Dr. Ravenscroft
Which Tom Sawyer Island? They already did the Pirates lair in Disneyland so them actually changing it would be highly unlikely. As for WDW I high doubt they would do it down there. One reason for that is that it would cost money, something they never want to spend, and second Lost is more of an Adult themed show. I don't remember seeing a ton of Kids at the lost panels at the comic conventions, and remember that the caves are difficult to maneuver in as a fully grown adult.

But yes I would be horrified if any of the Tom Sawyer Islands were changed over to a Lost theme, I would boycott the island and voice my opinion loudly in the parks while managers were around to hear.

And I just noticed there is a thread already open about this:

We can continue discussions there.