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Ambient Music

Posted: Jun Sun 08, 2008 11:49 am
by parkhopper26
My family and I have our next trip to wdw scheduled for this fall to hit the Food & Wine Festival at Epcot.This will be my fisrt trip to wdw since I have discovered "Subsonic Radio" and in the past few months I have experienced and enjoyed so much of the park and resort music on this site I was wondering how much of the ambient music in the parks will now become more noticable and recognizable to me. I am looking forward to hearing the park music while on vacation and also being able to associate alot of the music that I have listened to on "Subsonic" with speciffic parts of the parks. I feel this could really enhance the whole Disney experience and was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?

Posted: Jun Sun 08, 2008 12:31 pm
by kcarts
You'll recognize some of it. Some of the music here is no longer played in WDW. The one place I recognized the music was in the "mall" area behind Spaceship Earth in Epcot. It's the Innoventions area music. You'll definitely recognize some of the ride music as well.

Posted: Jun Sun 08, 2008 2:03 pm
by Cheshire Cat
Sometimes the order of the songs in the loop have changed and you'll be in an area and not recognize any of the music and then all of a sudden a song will come on that you'll know. You won't really be concious of the ambiance music unless a song you know comes on... for me this is usually once in every area - unless I happen to like a certain area and am familiar with all its music. If you don't recognize the song, you'll probably at least be more aware of the syle of music (i.e. Tomorrowland's electronic sounds vrs. Big Thunder's harmonicas and fiddles)

I agree, Innoventions is probably the one area where you'll recognize everything (mostly because its just variations of the same song). Although for me, the music in innoventions was one of the first ambiance loops to stick out to my ear, even before I found subsonic. I really like the parts where they weave "New Horizons" and "Listen to the Land" into the main Innoventions theme, however I'm still waiting to hear that GBBT segemnt with the fireworks.

Posted: Jun Sun 08, 2008 11:35 pm
by stev02
You'll definitely hear the Innoventions area loop music. I love those loops so much! I also love Stave Church (from Norway). Unfortunately, they don't play it at the church anymore. I checked last year and it was complete silence. :(

Posted: Jun Mon 09, 2008 10:56 am
by subsonic
It's kinda funny... I'm the opposite of you guys then. When I go to the parks I notice what I DON'T have. For example, I was searching for MK Space Mountian's 3rd Tunnel track franticly after I visited WDW. It took me a year to find it.

Posted: Jun Mon 09, 2008 12:53 pm
by wdwannabe
I find the attractions music like Sorin, Tea Cups, and such to be the music I recognize the most.

Posted: Jun Mon 09, 2008 5:55 pm
by HakuOni
i have noticed the outside queue music for the indiana jones and now i just cant stop listening to it, I LOVE IT! i hope that subsonic radio is on forever until the end of time...

Posted: Jun Tue 10, 2008 11:10 am
by subsonic
I hope so too. :)

Posted: Jun Tue 10, 2008 8:06 pm
by packwingfn
During my whole time on the CP and on my most recent trip in May, I notice the BGM more and more. On my last day in the past trip, Lion Sleeps Tonight and I walked around the Tree of Life walking tour just to hear the Tree of Life BGM and to check out the different animals on the tree :) We also tried listening for the Pizzafari music but it wasn't on for some strange reason :(

Posted: Jul Wed 02, 2008 7:40 am
by Calypso
Don't you wish everyone appreciated the music when they are visiting Disney? Like packwingfn walking around the Tree of Life, listening to the music and appreciating the detail on the Tree. I love doing that throughout Disney. Sure, it takes time, but its worth it because you hear and see all the detail and effort Disney puts into the experience!

Posted: Jul Thu 31, 2008 3:47 pm
by alsirrap
I never consciously noticed the music. But, when I started hearing it on subsonic, it hit me that I did remember hearing it. Now, of course, it's very conscious.

Posted: Aug Fri 01, 2008 7:59 am
by agingerbugg
It's the ambient music of the parks that really got me collecting park music, which ultimately led to me finding SR. I thank the ambient music for helping me find the happiest website on earth.

Posted: Aug Sat 02, 2008 5:05 am
by Cazza and Livvie's Mum
I listen to Subsonic just for the music and ride tracks. I love to hear tracks that fill my head with memories, smells, laughter and happy tears.

My kids first trip to WDW will always be assoicated with 'Under the Sea'. We walked up Main Street in almost silence just watching their faces drinking it all in. When we got to the Castle, Under the Sea was playing, the kids were so excited and my son was trembling my daughter cried when she saw the life size characters.

A CM asked us which resort we were staying in and then gave my firightened toddler a balloon as a gift from Donald Duck to cheer her up. She said 'Thank you' to Donald (from a safe distance) as her blew her a kiss and signed her autograph book. We still have the balloon, quite flat and crumpled but she won't part with it.

I love Subsonic it helps keep memories and magic alive. THANK YOU

Posted: Aug Mon 04, 2008 11:48 am
by theBIGyowski
It was the background music that led me to Subsonic. For years I had searched for and downloaded Disney ride tracks, but never could find good background music to listen to while I was at work.

As far as hearing the stuff in the parks I would definitley have to say the coolest is Innoventions. I probably looked like a complete dork humming the tune perfectly and telling my friends that I knew that music like the back of my hand. I can't wait to get back there...1/9/09 hurry up and get here!

Posted: Aug Tue 05, 2008 8:18 pm
by karenj2
I've listened to Subsonic for quite a few years, and there are some tracks of background music that I LOVE!! (I couldn't have the regular tracks playing at work, so I requested BGM from Subsonic, and he created it for me and others! Unfortunately, we can't play streaming audio at all any more. :( )

Anyway, the one I love the most & recognize is the music by the fountain in Future World that was composed by Yanni. I just LOVE that! (Of course, I couldn't tell you what the track name is here...) I also love the Main Street music when walking into the MK.

*sigh* only a few more weeks to go 'til I'm there again!!