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What park would you want to live 45 miles from, and why?

Posted: Jan Fri 25, 2008 1:49 pm
by YZFDonor
I was chatting in IRC earlier and the question hit me so I thought I would broaden the base and see what those outside of the chatroom thought.

I am going with WDW:
Only one I have been to
Seems to have more to do there
Climate compared to some parks
It feels like "home"

Posted: Jan Fri 25, 2008 3:07 pm
by Dr. Ravenscroft
I chose Disneyland because it is my favorite park and I can't see myself getting tired of going there. I went to WDW about 5 times in 4 years and got tired of it........Well I shouldn't tired of it but rather tired of Walking around as much as I had to do. I like the fact that in DL I can just take it easy and I can still get to the ride I'm looking for just as fast as in WDW.

As for the Climate thing I think Disneyland has WDW beat.......Unless you LIKE Humidity, if that is your thing than OK go with Florida but if you don't then GO TO DISNEYLAND.

Posted: Jan Fri 25, 2008 3:36 pm
by SeasDiver
WDW. Because if I am 45 minutes from there (assuming I live to the east), I am also 45 minutes from KSC, 45 minutes from my alma mater, and 2-3 hours from good diving.

Posted: Jan Fri 25, 2008 4:24 pm
by Cheshire Cat
WDW because
1. Has the most to do
2. It has awesome restaraunts
3. I would be able to buy all the Disney merchandise I wanted, when I wanted and not have to worry about fitting it on the plane or in the car
4. Water Parks for hot summer days

Posted: Jan Sat 26, 2008 12:04 am
by saritajuanita
Um, it might be kinda unfair for me to vote in this poll (but I did anyways), since, out of curiosity I googled the exact distance between where I work and Disneyland and it is . . . 3.3 miles. This fact then prompted the spontaneous thought: dude, I could totally walk to Disneyland after work! (and save $11 on parking! Sweet!)

See ya at Disneyland! :wave:

Posted: Jan Sat 26, 2008 12:55 am
by wdwannabe
Hey if this is a dream wish...then I want a home 45 min from each! 8-) I can't choose!

Posted: Jan Sat 26, 2008 8:57 am
WDW - as a vacation destination there is just more to do.

Posted: Jan Sat 26, 2008 4:00 pm
by disneylandmom
I am curious why 45 miles? Is that a significant or a random disntance? My choice would be disneyland.

Posted: Jan Sat 26, 2008 7:36 pm
by TheCheshireStitch
definitely WDW...first, i could still live in the good old US of A, and second, well, it's my favorite place in the whole world! disneyland is ok, but whenever i'm there it kind of feels like "diet disney" for me...

it does have a lot more history, though!

Posted: Jan Sun 27, 2008 1:58 am
by HSolo29
Had to go with WDW. Aside from it being my ultimate vacation destination, it has plenty more to do and it just seems to evoke the most magic. :mickey:

Posted: Jan Sun 27, 2008 3:05 am
by DisBeamer
A tough one. I had to pick WDW, because I love it so. But it's tied with Tokyo Disneyland because, despite the fact I've never been there, if I was 45 miles from it, I'd be living in Japan somewhere (or in the ocean I suppose ... preferably not), and I'd -love- to do that. :)
disneylandmom wrote:I am curious why 45 miles? Is that a significant or a random disntance? My choice would be disneyland.
I wondered this too. How did 45 get to be the magic (kingdom) number? :lol:

Posted: Jan Sun 27, 2008 10:17 am
by YZFDonor
I am curious why 45 miles? Is that a significant or a random disntance?
Ok. I chose 45 because it's far enough away that you wouldn't just drop by randomly on a complete whim but close enough you could make an easy day trip out of it. I figures 30 (or less) was too close and anythign over 60 would be drama (at least for me). I live about an hour and a half from Kings Dominion and about 2 hours from Busch Gardens and I don't visit either! :)

Posted: Jan Mon 28, 2008 2:51 pm
by spaulo
Disneyland. Living in California trumps the rest of that stuff.

Posted: Jan Mon 28, 2008 5:27 pm
by csquare77
WDW just because, lol

Spent many a vacations there!

Posted: Jan Tue 29, 2008 3:47 pm
by billville
DL for me not because its the only one ive been to but because ive lived in southern cali my whole life and i couldnt imagine living anywhere else in the world. The weather is absolutely perfect and you also dont have to deal with hurricanes every year. You cant beat the weather here! :mrgreen: