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All-time most favorite moment/memory while at Disney

Posted: May Mon 21, 2007 4:56 pm
by JWG
I'm sure this thread has been done, a quick scan didn't show a recent one, and I'm sure people are happy to discuss the topic!

What is your absolute most favorite memory or moment at a Disney park/resort?

Mine is from 1986. I was 9 years old and it was getting late in the night at MK (WDW). I was told I could pick one more ride for the day (may have even been our last day there, not sure). I of course chose Space Mountain for the 9,938 time.

The ride broke down and we were stuck in the launch tunnel with the blinking blue lights. They were stuck in the "blink" position as we sat there for 45 minutes - 1 hour chatting with the nice CM who's job it was to keep us all company.

Finally, they started letting cars through one at a time with the lights on! It was neet to get to see Space Mountain in the light of day. It really takes away from the magic a bit though. Anyway, we were all allowed back to the front of the line for an immediate re-ride with the lights off.

It was neat experience with a really nice CM and my dad, really the only vivid memory I have of that visit.

Posted: May Tue 22, 2007 10:06 am
by casrin
My mother (nancynohorse on the board) already told the story about how WDW and Figment inspired my brother to fight his cancer in her intro. post when she joined. That is obviously my favorite Disney (WDW) memory. It was the moment when Figment popped out of the Dream Machine at JII that Erik laughed; it was the first time we'd heard him laugh in two months!

Curiously, my most potent Disneyland memory was in 1996 when Mom and I went there for the first time. It had just happened that our trip fell during the week that Erik had died (in 1992). We were on Main Street getting our picture taken with Mickey Mouse and Mom had been telling Mickey about how we were so excited to be at Disneyland, to walk where Walt had walked, because of how Disney had inspired Erik to fight. As we walked away after Mickey squeeze-hugged us about to pieces :), we realized that it was July 29 around 11 AM. That was the exact time and day that Erik had died in 1992. It was a very wow-some moment, believe me, to realize that we were talking to Mickey at that moment!

Posted: May Fri 25, 2007 3:15 pm
by karenj2
oh, casrin - you gave me goosebumps!

My favorite memory was when we went down to WDW during my 10th birthday. EVERY meal we had (Cinderella Castle - pre character dining, Hoop-de-doo, Luau, etc. all made a HUGE deal out of my birthday... It embarrassed me at the time, but now I love how special it made me feel.

Also, watching the Wishes show last year with my hubby after having listened to Wishes 100000000 times here gave me absolute goosebumps, and I had tears in my eyes. Hubby had been going through some tough times (depression), and the trip was when I really started noticing his improvement, so my wish came true!

Posted: May Fri 25, 2007 9:53 pm
by rdeacon
Mine would have to be the night my wife and I got engaged in the rose garden in the MK. Proposing with Fantasy in the Sky going off was something I will never forget.


Posted: May Sat 26, 2007 12:26 am
by Lion Sleeps Tonight
Wow, Casrin. Some things just don't move you until you see it in another light.

I guess one of my most fondest memories was when a family took their little girl (about 4-5yrs old) to meet Snow White. First, the little girl was sleeping soundly in her stroller, so she had no idea what was going on. Soon it was her turn though, and instead of her parents waking her up, Snow White bent down and gently bid the girl to wake. The look on the little girl's face could only be described as[cheese]"wow, this is magic"[/cheese].

Totally, totally made my day.

Posted: May Mon 28, 2007 8:57 am
by csquare77
My favorite memory at Disney would be all the times I was their with my family. My favorite moment for now, is when I was watching the sun set, in Epcot by the World of motion, having the monorail pass overhead.

Posted: May Mon 28, 2007 10:01 am
by ttztotdca50
When I was with my cousins and they went to Disney's California Adventure for the first time (they are both Disneyland fans) and they were so excited! They loved it so much (especially Soarin', Grizzly and Screamin' :D )!

Second place would probably be when my parents took the other six people on my Dad's side of the family to California Adventure. My dad hadn't been to DCA for a while and my mom isn't a total Disneyland fan so I was designated as the unofficial tour guide of the group! It was a blast and I am now forever the tour guide of our family.

Posted: Jun Fri 01, 2007 12:57 pm
by laurie5658
Several years back our family stayed at Dixie landings during Thanksgiving. There were carolers and hot chocolate outside on the levee. The kids were at the arcaDE and Dh and I were sipping beers listening to the carolers. that was bliss!

Posted: Jun Fri 01, 2007 1:40 pm
by ldzny
Everytime I walk down mainstreet and see the castle... Other than that, the first time we took my son, first thing we did is go for breakfast at the Carnation Cafe, he said "I want to go to Disneyland!" I guess we should have done a couple rides first...

Posted: Jun Sat 02, 2007 6:38 pm
by nancynohorse
I have several favorite moments with Disneyland and WDW. My first visit to WDW was in 1979. We took our daughter, Catherine, who was 2 years old to the Magic Kingdom. Back then that was only park. Catherine was awe stuck but so was her mumma! Seeing the joy in her young eyes was so magical. We returned again in 1981. Later that year her brother Erik was born. We had planned a trip to WDW in 1987 but life fell to pieces late in 1986 when Erik was diagnosed with rhabdomyosacroma. So instead of the typical family vacation we were a Make-A-Wish family. Erik was very depressed but when Figment popped out of the Dream Machine he laughed for the first time in 2 months. A great Disney moment for me!!

In 1996 I finally made a trip to Disneyland! My daughter wrote about the trip above so I won't repeat what she said. But, meeting Mickey Mouse on July 29 at 11am was truly a magical moment for me. I was finally walking the streets that Walt once walked!! Have I said "I LOVE WALT DISNEY.." Thank God Walt filled his dream! :mickey: :mickey:

Posted: Jun Fri 08, 2007 1:08 am
By far my best moment ever at WDW was being chosen to be the angel in the show at the HOOP=DEE=DO. My kids, 3 daughters, and my wife went crazy and have never let me forget my performance. :lol:

Posted: Jun Fri 08, 2007 9:10 am
by JWG
AJBARTH wrote:By far my best moment ever at WDW was being chosen to be the angel in the show at the HOOP=DEE=DO. My kids, 3 daughters, and my wife went crazy and have never let me forget my performance. :lol:
I went through a stretch where I or a member of my travel party ALWAYS got picked to do stage stuff. It got to the point no one wanted to stand near me. At Universal they have (had?) the movie effects show (I'm speaking of LA not Orlando). They had several different stages where you saw how effects worked. It had a Back to the Future scene, something with Ghostbusters and a sound effects stage. On our trip through, I was picked to be Doc Brown for Back to the Future, my dad was picked to be a Ghostbuster and my wife was pulled up to do one of teh sound effect pieces.

Fortunately, that hasn't happened in quite awhile.

Posted: Jun Fri 08, 2007 11:51 am
by spaulo
Favorite big moment: Proposing to my wife at Epcot, in front of the big Christmas tree, December 10, 2005.

Favorite little moment: Same trip, watching the bunnies bound around after dark at the POFQ resort. Very peaceful moment, and my wife just loves bunnies!

Posted: Jun Fri 08, 2007 12:00 pm
by Moviemaker137
Ok so I have two lasting memories... first off when I was about oh 7 or so was the first time I went to Disneyland in California. I loved Disneyworld when I was five but there was just something different about DL that made me get goosebumps all over as I entered the turnstyle with my ticket. I remember walking down Main Street with my dad holding my hand pointing out all the cool stuff to me... and I believe at the time I had just finished going through a surgery so like halfway through the park experience I had to get a wheelchair because my back and legs were killing me. So... yeah watching fireworks in a wheelchair and having those moments that I still crave today of just absolutely being a kid again is something I will cherish forever. Number two is even more personal because it happened on August 16th, 2006 I remember because it was the first time I met my gf in person and prior to that she told me she was taking me to a place for our date that I could be a prince and she could be a princess... little did I figure it out till I got there that she ment Disneyland. So my first date... ever... was at Disneyland... oh and I shared my first kiss in the Aladdin Musical theater. So for NOW those are probably the two most memorable moments in the DL park. I hope to have more because really it's kind of developed into this tradition now lol Long live Disney and it's many fantastic people who make all our dreams come true.


Posted: Jun Tue 12, 2007 4:37 pm
by Torylovesdisney
We were at Liberty Tree Tavern and my dd age 17 and I had just had a few "words" about text messaging on her cell phone at dinner . She agreed to stop using the phone and told me she would put it away in her purse. I didn't think anything more of it and started up a conversation with my other folks at the table.

About 5 minutes later Goofy was standing behind my daughter (she could not see him) and he was staring toward the floor. Next, Goofy looked at me and pointed to my daughter, then he put his fingers up to his ear in the shape of a cell phone and then he pointed back at my daughter. (she was texting on her cell phone under the table). My daughter turned around saw what Goofy was doing and loudly exclaimed, "Are you serious? I've been ratted out by Goofy?" :oops:

Everyone burst into laughter as Goofy continued to point and mimick my daughter on the phone under the table. Needless to say after this, the phone went back in the purse and stayed there at each character meal we attended -- Thanks Goofy!!