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Country Bears

Posted: May Thu 10, 2007 3:02 am
by Captain Schnemo
I just listened to the original Country Bear Jamboree, which I haven't heard in ages. I know I liked it as a kid, and I had the record which I played enough to leave most of the songs buried deeply in my brain.

Listening to it as an adult, I'm surprised at how smart and funny it is. I always enjoyed "Blood on the Saddle" and the lyrics to Liver Lips' song still rattle around in my head from time to time, but I didn't get a lot of the jokes and references when I was young.

I'm not much for chicken fried entertainment, but I really enjoyed the show.

What's the state of the CBJ at WDW? Is it the Vacation Hoedown version (which I don't like all that much)? Is it even still there?

Pooh killed your bears in DL, right? Did you have the original show until the end? I like the idea of holiday shows.

I wonder what kids think of the show today. I know I liked all the singing bears and the way the acts showed up and disappeared. And the music was catchy although I missed all the subtle jokes.

And, sub, thanks again for the music! I doubt I would have ever heard the show again without your station.

Posted: May Thu 10, 2007 5:10 am
by Lion Sleeps Tonight
Yeah, Pooh took over...and did a bad job of it. We still have the three heads hanging up on a wall hidden though.

I never got to see the show in DLR, and could never put an image to the music tracks here on Subsonic for the longest time.

I saw the regular Jamboree for the first time in WDW last year, and I love the novelty of it. I have been told that they do change around the shows and have the Vacation one.

While I don't find most jokes funny, I will say the show is entertaining and amusing. Not sure what the kids think of it, but I do see them laughing at the visual gags.

As for the conditions...well I remember the sound quality being a little fuzzy.

Posted: May Thu 10, 2007 8:53 am
by rdeacon
I know the last time I was in WDW the show is the original version.

But Lion is right they do change it up occasionally.

Its one of my favorites that I never get tired of. A true classic.


Posted: May Thu 10, 2007 9:12 am
by js3901
we saw it in WDW in December and it was the original version. I was disappointed that they didn't do the holiday version. Also, we noticed that the speakers/audio needs some TLC, as a couple of the segments were really hard to hear. another case of Declining by Degrees

Posted: May Thu 10, 2007 10:26 am
by ldzny
The bears were looking a little ragged last time I saw them at disneyland. I was pretty confused when were trying to find the entrance to see them last time we went only to discover they were gone... My toddler really liked the Pooh ride that replaced it, but I wonder if that was the right place to put it. It is like they went cheap and put the ride in the most run down attraction, saving themselves the $ on constructing a building.

Re: Country Bears

Posted: May Thu 10, 2007 10:37 am
by subsonic
Captain Schnemo wrote:I wonder what kids think of the show today. I know I liked all the singing bears and the way the acts showed up and disappeared. And the music was catchy although I missed all the subtle jokes.
I always wonder that too. I was impressed by a post about COP when someone said (sorry I can't remember and am too lazy to go check) they took a child to see it and they enjoyed it. Makes my think some of this stuff is timeless.
Captain Schnemo wrote:And, sub, thanks again for the music! I doubt I would have ever heard the show again without your station.
You're welcome. :)

Posted: May Thu 10, 2007 2:45 pm
by Cheshire Cat
When we were on the bus to MK, there was a 6 year old kid and a CM in training. The CM was asking the kid questions and noticed that he had a Winnie the Pooh shirt on so he asked the kid if his favorite ride was the Winnie the Pooh. I was so happy to hear the kid say "No, I like the show with the singing bears". It really put into perspective what the timeless attractions are.

Posted: May Thu 10, 2007 3:07 pm
by MouseMan
I remember the Chrsitmas show was being used in Dec 02 when we were there. I think younger kids really like the show still, but the last couple times we were down there the theater wasn't very full so I don't think it is as popular as it used to be. One thing is for certain, it is best seen on an August afternoon because its air conditioned and you get to sit down for a good long time!

Posted: May Thu 10, 2007 3:52 pm
by Captain Schnemo
Lion Sleeps Tonight wrote:While I don't find most jokes funny, I will say the show is entertaining and amusing.
I basically agree that most of it is not LOL funny, but funny in the sense that it makes me smile.

Except for maybe Big Al, who is actually LOL funny. "Blood on the Saddle" is a classic old school un-PC Disney gag that would never make it past the fun nazis these days.

I've heard the supercool mounted animal heads in the exit queue broke down and then were eventually walled over. That's a real shame, because that was a great gimmick.

It sucks that they aren't maintaining it properly, but it's comforting to know the old show is still there. If/when I go back to the MK, I'll have to make a point of catching the show.

Since its intended to capture the culture of the past, hopefully it won't be destroyed in the name of being "outdated" or even worse, updated with current country artists.

Posted: May Thu 10, 2007 7:04 pm
by Esmeralda
Captain Schnemo wrote: I've heard the supercool mounted animal heads in the exit queue broke down and then were eventually walled over. That's a real shame, because that was a great gimmick.
That's the only part of the show I remember! I thought they were so funny. Not being a big country fan, this wasn't one of my favorites. Still, it makes me think of the Tiki Room, drawing a real crowd of traditionalists. I think I would like it a lot more if I had lived closer to the parks and seen it as a kid.

Posted: May Thu 10, 2007 8:11 pm
by Magique
I remember the Country Bear Jamboree. The one thing that really stood out for me, even more so then the animal heads on the wall, was the bear that was swinging on a swing. When I was little, that was the thing I remembered most.

Posted: May Fri 11, 2007 7:47 am
by knedeau
Actually, My sis and I were there in Dec and saw CBJ. When I was a kid, there was always a LONG line to get into see it, but this past dec ('06) there was no line, no waiting. The bears are a bit ratty, and the material (sad as it is to say) is dated. Maybe if they dusted off the bears (or better yet, replaced their fur!), and brighted up the colors of their costumes and curtains, it may help restore some life to the show.

Posted: May Sat 12, 2007 2:22 am
by Captain Schnemo
knedeau wrote:...and the material (sad as it is to say) is dated.
Of course it's dated, it's a 19th Century show!

Posted: May Sat 12, 2007 2:06 pm
by Magique
Captain Schnemo wrote:
knedeau wrote:...and the material (sad as it is to say) is dated.
Of course it's dated, it's a 19th Century show!
Don't you mean 20th Century?

Posted: May Sun 13, 2007 4:00 am
by Captain Schnemo
No, it's based on 19th Century source material, like the rest of Frontierland.