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13 Faces of Jack

Posted: Dec Thu 21, 2006 2:21 pm
by Moviemaker137
Ok ok... so whilst I was down in sunny ol' California I did manage to convince my girlfriend that we'd go to Disney on my last full day there. While I was there though we went over to some of my favorite rides which happen to be Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Caribbean. Well when we got over there it was lunch and we got hungry so we went to the French Market to get a bite to eat. Now here's my question:

When she handed me my reciept she also gave me a coin with a face of Jack Skellington on it :) I really like it, but it say's 13 Faces of Jack on the coin's wrapper so I was wondering... Since I was coming during the holiday's is that just a holiday promotion that they do in New Orleans Square? Or is that something that they've started as a promotion throughout the year? Because if it is possible I would like to try and collect all 13.

MM137 :ccat:

Posted: Jan Wed 31, 2007 11:05 pm
by Halvogirl
it was a seasonal thing for the holiday season, in the annual passport holder mailer they talked about it and had there pictres (it turned them into magnets). i am not sure if you can still buy them in the parks, but you can usually find these sort of things on ebay or other places online if you really look

Posted: Oct Wed 10, 2007 11:30 am
by Dr. Ravenscroft
I hope they are doing this promotion this year. I will be there for a couple of days in Dec. and I would love to get some of these. If they are doing it I will see what the deal is and report it here and include pictures too.