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Re: Weird and Odd Happenings at the Parks

Posted: Jul Tue 17, 2012 7:19 pm
by Goofyfan
figmentaholic wrote:
mjmcsl4me wrote:
yodiwan1 wrote:I have two odd stories, both involving me!!! 1) When I was 15, I was at sleepaway camp in Longwood, Fl. We took a trip to the Magic Kingdom, and I had a fever of 101. It was very hot, and I was trying to tough it out with the staff. When I told them I was feeling queezy they told me to jsut go on one more ride with them before going to the infermory(spelling?). It was a tame ride, Jungle Cruise, so i said fine. Well, it wasn't fine. After about 5 minutes, I lost it. protien spill over teh side. I WAS MORTIFIED!!! The skipper was very quick on his feet, and laughed it off saying " Don't worry everyone, he thought this was a fishing trip and is chumming!) Everyone laughed, including myself, but you can tell they were worried. The skipper reported it in, and a wheelchair was waiting for me on the dock to escort me to first aid. That is where I spent the rest of the day, by myself, and lots of Gatorade.....story 2) I have mentioned this elsewhere on the boards, but while working in Frontierland I spoted a 3-4 foot gator just past the bridge where you can watch the people drop on Splash Mountain. I had to wait for Animal Control to come, and TRY to blund in. When guests noticed it, I just said, "Sorry folks, one of the animatronic gators from inside the ride got loose!" It just popped into my head and I got a ton of laughs....I have plenty of more crazy stories, but I will leave you with those for now. ENJOY!
Wow I don't mind seeing a gator but maybe not close up :D We did see one in the water while we were on the Generation Gap Bridge at Pop Century (don't know what it is called now since the other side is now Art of Animation Resort).

This isnt really an odd happening at the park but it does involve a gator and Disney (kinda)

I used to live in Orlando, and when my hubby and I got married, his family came in from out of town, since there were a lot of them including kids, they rented a house close to Disney and were going to spend a couple of days at the parks.

The house had a big pond and viaduct in the back of it, and they held an informal party for the wedding guests and family before the wedding. A couple of the kids and some of us went to the pond.. and there was a GIANT gator just laying there like it was nothing.

So.. the pond was off limits.

I would have loved to have seen that......I guess it's where you are from to make it exciting. I have moose and Black Bears in my back yard. (Hide the bird feeders). :shock: :goofy:

Re: Weird and Odd Happenings at the Parks

Posted: Jul Tue 17, 2012 7:56 pm
by figmentaholic
Goofyfan wrote:
figmentaholic wrote:
mjmcsl4me wrote: Wow I don't mind seeing a gator but maybe not close up :D We did see one in the water while we were on the Generation Gap Bridge at Pop Century (don't know what it is called now since the other side is now Art of Animation Resort).

This isnt really an odd happening at the park but it does involve a gator and Disney (kinda)

I used to live in Orlando, and when my hubby and I got married, his family came in from out of town, since there were a lot of them including kids, they rented a house close to Disney and were going to spend a couple of days at the parks.

The house had a big pond and viaduct in the back of it, and they held an informal party for the wedding guests and family before the wedding. A couple of the kids and some of us went to the pond.. and there was a GIANT gator just laying there like it was nothing.

So.. the pond was off limits.

I would have loved to have seen that......I guess it's where you are from to make it exciting. I have moose and Black Bears in my back yard. (Hide the bird feeders). :shock: :goofy:

Well I am from SC, I know we have some gators around here, but not like those. They grow em bigger in FL.. :)

Normally my backyard sees nothing more interesting than little songbirds, but since I live out in the country, we see deer, raccoons, possums, skunks (OMG skunk strikes on the road are the WORST), foxes, turtles, fish, birds of prey like hawks, also owls, wild turkeys, and plenty of buzzards. And of course plenty of horses and cows, hehe

Re: Weird and Odd Happenings at the Parks

Posted: Aug Thu 02, 2012 2:57 pm
by MetalRage
Soarin08 wrote:I was in the singles line like right at the head of the line and suddenly the CMs just halted, this woman was cursing and SCREAMING at the cast because she didn't get the exact row that she wanted (she wanted front but the park was slammed that day so the CMs were having to unfortunately just load in order to move through the line quickly). She had a preteen girl with her and I swear the poor thing looked like she wanted the ground to open up and swallow her right there on the spot. There were two managers trying to reason with her and even offer perks and such to her to make up, trying to explain how busy things were that day (this was Easter weekend) and how they did their best but couldn't always accommodate everyone, and next thing we all knew, someone radios in security and they come in, one on either side, and bodily escort the psycho out with the poor daughter just following along like "Oh please dear Lord, why me?" It was partially funny but then downright sad, because if that's people's attitudes to Disney, they need to stay home. Disney isn't a free-for-all who can INSTANTLY cater ALL whims and fancies, much as we try.
Wow really?? You're gonna get mad because you couldn't get the seat you wanted? I have had COUNTLESS times where I wanted a certain seat on a ride, but I didn't get mad about it and start a scene. Plus, it's a THEME PARK on EASTER WEEKEND! You aren't gonna get a seat you want unless you run your butt to the rides first thing when the parks open their doors. I feel bad for the girl that was involved.
yodiwan1 wrote: I have mentioned this elsewhere on the boards, but while working in Frontierland I spoted a 3-4 foot gator just past the bridge where you can watch the people drop on Splash Mountain. I had to wait for Animal Control to come, and TRY to blund in. When guests noticed it, I just said, "Sorry folks, one of the animatronic gators from inside the ride got loose!" It just popped into my head and I got a ton of laughs....I have plenty of more crazy stories, but I will leave you with those for now. ENJOY!
LOL! That was great! I would of done the same thing too.

Re: Weird and Odd Happenings at the Parks

Posted: Aug Sat 25, 2012 9:40 pm
by Monakie78
10 years ago, I was at the Beach Club resort sitting on a bench outside the lobby waiting for my husband....we were on our honeymoon. A man came outside to talk with a CM within ear shot of me. He was going on and on about how the Disney resorts should have elaborate security systems for people to get inside the lobby or hotel parts.

Man said, "Anyone can just walk in here, you know. This is completely insecure."

CM said, "Well, sir, you have a good idea and I'll bring it up to my manager. But sir, a security system that you're requesting will cost Disney an awful lot of money and we would have to raise the time share fees."

Man said,"I pay a lot of money for my time share. You should have enough money to get a security system up & running in no time."

CM tried to change the topic & said,"Sir, how has your vacation been going so far?"

Man said,"Not very well. I'm really drunk. My wife & I had a fight because I was drinking. I'm on vacation, I should be able to drink if I want. She locked me out of the room. She's taking the kids to the park without me."

I was laughing and concurred with the man. ANYONE can just walk in here! :lol:

Re: Weird and Odd Happenings at the Parks

Posted: Aug Mon 27, 2012 7:59 am
by cy1229
Monakie78 wrote:10 years ago, I was at the Beach Club resort sitting on a bench outside the lobby waiting for my husband....we were on our honeymoon. A man came outside to talk with a CM within ear shot of me. He was going on and on about how the Disney resorts should have elaborate security systems for people to get inside the lobby or hotel parts.

Man said, "Anyone can just walk in here, you know. This is completely insecure."

CM said, "Well, sir, you have a good idea and I'll bring it up to my manager. But sir, a security system that you're requesting will cost Disney an awful lot of money and we would have to raise the time share fees."

Man said,"I pay a lot of money for my time share. You should have enough money to get a security system up & running in no time."

CM tried to change the topic & said,"Sir, how has your vacation been going so far?"

Man said,"Not very well. I'm really drunk. My wife & I had a fight because I was drinking. I'm on vacation, I should be able to drink if I want. She locked me out of the room. She's taking the kids to the park without me."

I was laughing and concurred with the man. ANYONE can just walk in here! :lol:
Oh geez.

First, BRAVO to that guy's wife. What a dork. Let him sit around the lobby and other common areas with no $$ and get sober.

Second, he's kinda right. Yet, ya gotta wonder about people who think of all the ways people could do bad stuff.

Re: Weird and Odd Happenings at the Parks

Posted: Aug Mon 27, 2012 11:41 am
by cousininmiami
Well we had a very weird and scary (at the time) thing happen about 4 years ago. We were staying at the Wilderness Lodge and going to EPCOT, so we went to the TTA to take the Monorail to EPCOT because its a fun ride into the park. It was early in the morning, like 8-ish. So there we are on the platform waiting for the Monorail with some other families and a "person of interest" kinda guy, all alone comes up to wait for the Monorail. He has nothing with him, just his hands in the pockets of his jeans. I know, stereotyping is not right, but these days we should all be vigilant of anyone who looks out of place. And he certainly looked and acted out of place. He stood alone from everyone else waiting for the Monorail, then another family came up to stand waiting for the same entrance as he did and he moved away again. He was looking over his shoulder and acting totally weird. The Monorail CM that is up on a platform higher started very quietly calling someone, then another CM kind of meandered over to get near him.

Then the Monorail came and it got scary. We saw him get on a Monorail car and a CM got on behind him, then the guy jumped out of the Monorail car he was in and at the last second he jumped onto anther one, I'm guessing this one had nobody else on it. So the Monorail took off for EPCOT, and it was a very long scary trip. Are we going to get blown up? We were all quiet and hoping it was nothing. So then the Monorail gets to EPCOT, yay! But as we were getting off very quickly, the strange guy got off and ran out of the Monorail and down the ramp towards EPCOT. I know you all know where I mean, where it kind of winds down a ramp back and forth. So then he starts jumping over the rails to get down faster, and then takes off running somewhere with guards chasing him.

This seriously freaked us out and put a damper on the day. It kind of gets you thinking about how vulnerable we all are even at our land of make believe and pixie dust. I wish we could all go back to the days that we never thought about anything like this, nor had to worry about it!

Re: Weird and Odd Happenings at the Parks

Posted: Aug Mon 27, 2012 12:10 pm
by mjmcsl4me
cousininmiami wrote:Well we had a very weird and scary (at the time) thing happen about 4 years ago. We were staying at the Wilderness Lodge and going to EPCOT, so we went to the TTA to take the Monorail to EPCOT because its a fun ride into the park. It was early in the morning, like 8-ish. So there we are on the platform waiting for the Monorail with some other families and a "person of interest" kinda guy, all alone comes up to wait for the Monorail. He has nothing with him, just his hands in the pockets of his jeans. I know, stereotyping is not right, but these days we should all be vigilant of anyone who looks out of place. And he certainly looked and acted out of place. He stood alone from everyone else waiting for the Monorail, then another family came up to stand waiting for the same entrance as he did and he moved away again. He was looking over his shoulder and acting totally weird. The Monorail CM that is up on a platform higher started very quietly calling someone, then another CM kind of meandered over to get near him.

Then the Monorail came and it got scary. We saw him get on a Monorail car and a CM got on behind him, then the guy jumped out of the Monorail car he was in and at the last second he jumped onto anther one, I'm guessing this one had nobody else on it. So the Monorail took off for EPCOT, and it was a very long scary trip. Are we going to get blown up? We were all quiet and hoping it was nothing. So then the Monorail gets to EPCOT, yay! But as we were getting off very quickly, the strange guy got off and ran out of the Monorail and down the ramp towards EPCOT. I know you all know where I mean, where it kind of winds down a ramp back and forth. So then he starts jumping over the rails to get down faster, and then takes off running somewhere with guards chasing him.

This seriously freaked us out and put a damper on the day. It kind of gets you thinking about how vulnerable we all are even at our land of make believe and pixie dust. I wish we could all go back to the days that we never thought about anything like this, nor had to worry about it!
Whoa that would definitely be weird and scary! So glad for alert people and Disney being alert on this type of thing.

Re: Weird and Odd Happenings at the Parks

Posted: Aug Mon 27, 2012 12:30 pm
by Amy
mjmcsl4me wrote:
cousininmiami wrote:Well we had a very weird and scary (at the time) thing happen about 4 years ago. We were staying at the Wilderness Lodge and going to EPCOT, so we went to the TTA to take the Monorail to EPCOT because its a fun ride into the park. It was early in the morning, like 8-ish. So there we are on the platform waiting for the Monorail with some other families and a "person of interest" kinda guy, all alone comes up to wait for the Monorail. He has nothing with him, just his hands in the pockets of his jeans. I know, stereotyping is not right, but these days we should all be vigilant of anyone who looks out of place. And he certainly looked and acted out of place. He stood alone from everyone else waiting for the Monorail, then another family came up to stand waiting for the same entrance as he did and he moved away again. He was looking over his shoulder and acting totally weird. The Monorail CM that is up on a platform higher started very quietly calling someone, then another CM kind of meandered over to get near him.

Then the Monorail came and it got scary. We saw him get on a Monorail car and a CM got on behind him, then the guy jumped out of the Monorail car he was in and at the last second he jumped onto anther one, I'm guessing this one had nobody else on it. So the Monorail took off for EPCOT, and it was a very long scary trip. Are we going to get blown up? We were all quiet and hoping it was nothing. So then the Monorail gets to EPCOT, yay! But as we were getting off very quickly, the strange guy got off and ran out of the Monorail and down the ramp towards EPCOT. I know you all know where I mean, where it kind of winds down a ramp back and forth. So then he starts jumping over the rails to get down faster, and then takes off running somewhere with guards chasing him.

This seriously freaked us out and put a damper on the day. It kind of gets you thinking about how vulnerable we all are even at our land of make believe and pixie dust. I wish we could all go back to the days that we never thought about anything like this, nor had to worry about it!
Whoa that would definitely be weird and scary! So glad for alert people and Disney being alert on this type of thing.
Agreed! That would be very freaky. I wonder if he just didn't have a ticket, or had stolen something from one of the rooms and was trying to make a getaway? Hey... :idea: maybe it was our buddy Wizzard! (just kidding!!)

Re: Weird and Odd Happenings at the Parks

Posted: Aug Mon 27, 2012 1:27 pm
by Wizzard419
The key is to do it with stealth and not get on systems they control.

Re: Weird and Odd Happenings at the Parks

Posted: Aug Mon 27, 2012 2:07 pm
by mjmcsl4me
Wizzard419 wrote:The key is to do it with stealth and not get on systems they control.
This made me laugh!

Re: Weird and Odd Happenings at the Parks

Posted: Aug Mon 27, 2012 6:57 pm
by Amy
mjmcsl4me wrote:
Wizzard419 wrote:The key is to do it with stealth and not get on systems they control.
This made me laugh!
Don't encourage him :shock: :roll:
;) :lol:

Re: Weird and Odd Happenings at the Parks

Posted: Aug Tue 28, 2012 1:09 pm
by Thumper1
wow!!! people sure can be rude and ruin the fun for others!! it's scary to think about this stuff now because you never know if they might have a gun and just start shooting.

Re: Weird and Odd Happenings at the Parks

Posted: Aug Tue 28, 2012 1:53 pm
by Wizzard419
Disney's security has always been kind of a joke, but at the same time there haven't been any incidents in recent years. As long as whatever you're trying to smuggle in isn't in a backpack (or is just not too obvious to the chopstick they use) it will get by them.

Re: Weird and Odd Happenings at the Parks

Posted: Aug Tue 28, 2012 6:09 pm
by PurpleFairies
With all of the recent gun violence across the country these past weeks I wonder if places like Disney will increase security measures? It's sad to think that they would have to do such a thing, but it would be even worse if such a tragedy occurred.

Re: Weird and Odd Happenings at the Parks

Posted: Aug Tue 28, 2012 6:17 pm
by Wizzard419
So far, at least from what we've seen, there haven't been any increases. One saving grace is that DLR and WDW are both in non open-carry states, though Florida is a stand your ground state, so the opportunity may be less.