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Posted: Apr Sat 15, 2006 2:36 pm
by Lion Sleeps Tonight
I choose the one at Disneyland. I haven't been on that ride for about five months, but have been on the one here in WDW numerous times.

In terms of queue lines, both are good. But the one in WDW does have the moving face/eyes Leota tombstone which is cool. But DLR has more eye candy.

I just like the design of the mansion in DLR better than the one here.

The library scene is a neat addition, but as a friend mentioned, "it's a little overkill fo the busts" and it's not as creepy as when you're walking by in the queue line. I also enjoy the morphing paintings.

The audio in the doom buggy seems really static and is too loud at certain times. The first time I rode on it, I wondered if just something was amiis that day. And is some of the narration missing? Or is it like that at Disneyland as well?

The lighting at certain scenes is just too dark. When you're riding down backwards into the graveyard, you can't make out the scary faces on the trees, and it's generally too dark in the graveyard itself. I'm not saying that it needs to be bright, but it seems like some low lights are missing.

But in WDW, I love the end of the ride, when you're riding past the crypts? Or whatever those rectangular cases are.

Well, these are my bias opinions on the ride, and I'm sure I'm being too critical on the WDW version. But yeah, both have their bads and goods.

Posted: Apr Sun 16, 2006 11:16 am
by Dr. Ravenscroft
But did you notice that people like one or the other not both equally. At least right now with 15 votes.

Posted: Apr Sun 16, 2006 8:37 pm
by Cheshire Cat
Although they're the same attraction, they're both very different, the only parts that are pretty much the same are the Coridoor of Doors, the Ballroom and the Graveyard...and of course the song (Phantom Manor has my favorite soundtrack though :mrgreen: )

Posted: Apr Thu 20, 2006 4:55 am
by Sarah Turp
I had to put them as a tie. I dont like one of those any more than the other. My favourite is the one in Disneyland Paris. It is by far the best!

Posted: Apr Sun 30, 2006 12:04 am
by Millionaire2K
I vote Disney World. Why? Because it's the only one I've been on.

Posted: Apr Sun 30, 2006 1:09 pm
by Mr.ToadWildRider
Voting for one because it's the only one you've been on seems a bit unfair to the spirit of the poll. It's a poll based on comparison and if you can't compare it you shouldn't vote.

With that said I like WDW better, because unlike many of the posters here I think WDW has the superior exterior mansion. While DLR's has a gloomy exterior, it's not nearly as creepy as WDW's - and I say that as someone who lives in New England and has seen buildings very much like this one (although, I believe the model is from Philidelphia?). I also, like the library scene although I do think the bust effect is more effective when walking by rather than being doombuggied by. With that said though, I think the Sinister family portraits at the beginning of WDWs are quite effective and creepy.

I will say, I haven't seen the new Leota effect but I don't think that alone would be enough to sway me. I don't like the Leota tombstone outside of WDW's HM though, it seems a little tacky and fake.

But in the end I like WDW's a bit more. But they're really not that different really...

Posted: Apr Sun 30, 2006 2:57 pm
by abrcrmbegrl20
I went with a tie. How can you choose just one! That is tough. They both have their own good and bad parts. I LOVE THEM BOTH :D

Posted: Apr Sun 30, 2006 3:11 pm
by Goofy
I've been to both and I don't really remember a difference.

Posted: Jun Fri 08, 2007 11:44 pm
by tmptnr
Well, WDW has an extra scene with the lybrary, but the origional has more charector with the 20,000 leagues Orgin and all. it's a tie!

Posted: Jun Sat 09, 2007 6:33 pm
by Magique
Cheshire Cat wrote:(Phantom Manor has my favorite soundtrack though :mrgreen: )
I'm in total agreement. :) Phantom Manor's music is mysteriously pretty.

Posted: Jun Sat 16, 2007 4:30 pm
by casrin
At leat the Elevator's in DLR do something, WDW they just fake it,
This is very true. :mickey: But I still said TIE just because I love them equally.

Posted: Jun Sun 17, 2007 3:23 pm
by borjoyzee
^Yes, I also voted as a tie because they both have thier up's and down's.

Posted: Jun Tue 19, 2007 12:03 am
by horizons1
Dr. Ravenscroft wrote:At leat the Elevator's in DLR do something, WDW they just fake it...
That was my first thought too!

Posted: Jun Tue 19, 2007 1:44 am
by indysoarin19
I prefer the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland and here's why:

Approaching the Mansion
WDW wins this round, mostly because it has more space. Hearing the sounds of Splash Mountain right as you exit the Mansion at DL is kind of a killjoy and WDW's acheives the look of a lonely, haunted house.

The Mansion Itself
DL wins here because I like the antebellum look better than the colonial look. Also, the CM costumes look better in DL's than at WDW.

The Queue
Pretty much a tie.

The Ride
DL wins on several counts. Leota floats here, the ride's flow is great, and the attic bride is awesome. But the thing that really makes it for me is during the graveyard scene at WDW, some of the ghosts are playing jazz instruments which made me think of DL's version. Jazz hadn't been invented yet in the colonial times, so the music seemed out of place. Kind of a weird observation.

So, Disneyland wins in my book when it comes to the Mansion.

Edit: On a side note, I just got promoted to Main Street Cinema Projector! Woohoo! Sayonara Casey Jr.!

Posted: Jun Tue 19, 2007 11:55 am
by TheGreatGonzo
horizons1 wrote:
Dr. Ravenscroft wrote:At leat the Elevator's in DLR do something, WDW they just fake it...
That was my first thought too!
Silly me. I thought it was suppose to be a streatching room, not an elevator.