Pet peeves

In relation to Disney Parks but not specific to a single resort

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Post by SimonTemplar » Jul Tue 03, 2007 11:00 pm

AJBARTH wrote:With out a doubt it has to be the huge tour groups with the umbrella who have no manners and no idea of where they are going. Lord help you if you happen to get behind one of these people carrying a pennant or umbrella in line and the next thing you know you have 100 non-english speaking, rude, rowdy kids breaking into line. :roll:
That is right in line with my pet peeve!! I'm all for people from around the world coming to visit WDW, but too often I get caught near one of these HUGE groups following a flag, and they're singing or chanting some song in their native tongue. Very rude and obnoxious. Grrrrrr. :twisted:
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Post by jozel27 » Jul Wed 18, 2007 12:34 pm

I would have to say that all your answers are really good. My biggest pet peeve is to be in the happiest place on earth and listen to a mother complaining. Not about anything important, but just complaining, like the room is to small or they didn't clean it fast enough or why do we have to wait in line for the bathrooms. Complainers make me nuts, because you are supposed to be on vacation and if it is busy you should automatically know that you are going to wait in some kind of line or what for something.

My other pet peeve is people whoget the entrance of a ride and then stop which stops the people behind them to wait for a member of their party to catch up before they will move farther. It is like if you are waiting for them, let move out of the way and wait until you can all get in line together and not make everyone else wait for you. We all have to wait in lines and sometimes long lines, but what is point if you get on the ride a couple of people later.
:D 8) :lol: :evil: :roll: :mickey:

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Post by tmptnr » Sep Wed 19, 2007 11:02 pm

when i go on spaceship hearch when you are about to enter the globe made of metal tubing.... My sister and I always reach outside of the car and touch the same spot of the globe every time... kinda cheezy but it's a tradition we have established.

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Post by blinkereye123 » Sep Sun 30, 2007 7:13 pm

Hi. I know this is going to sound a bit odd but one thing that gets me is people standing in line complaining about standing in line. I mean, it's one thing if there is an actual problem and the line is not moving, but to come to a place like a Disney park and not expect SOME kind of wait for a ride, show, or even a restaurant is highly impractical, even for a Disney fan. Then again, the only other pet peeve I encounter are people who go ANYWHERE supposedly "on vacation" to rest and relax and spend most if not all of their time resenting every minute of it! I know it may sounds callous to some people and I apologize in advance, but if your not totally able to detach yourself from timetables and schedules even for a while maybe being at a Disney park is the last place to be. Peace.

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Post by Joe90 » Oct Mon 01, 2007 6:50 am

Guests in the normal line who complain as you walk past them with a fastpass.

Everyone has the option, they chose not to use it. So shut up!! :evil:

Guests at WDW who park their cars wherever they want to and not where the cast members are directing them to.
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Post by danimal3114u » Oct Mon 01, 2007 10:08 am

My new pet peeve is Cast Members who don't represent the company well. As mentioned other places here, these are the cast members at DLR who are there just for a summer job or there just while they're in school. They view it as any other job and would rather talk with their friends (either other castmembers or local friends who happen to be at the park) than interact with the guests. My wife and I have been going to the park together for over 6 years now (and our whole lives with our own families before that), and for the first time ever we complained about a cast member this past trip. Luckily, there are still plenty of caring and wonderful cast members at the parks, but when you come across that one who is disinterested it takes you out of the magic temporarily.

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Post by spaulo » Oct Mon 01, 2007 11:37 am

Joe90 wrote:Guests in the normal line who complain as you walk past them with a fastpass.

Everyone has the option, they chose not to use it. So shut up!! :evil:
To be fair, you'd be surprised how many people have no idea about how FastPass works, that it is available to them, and that it does not cost extra money. My wife and I spent an entire wait in the Haunted Mansion line at DL (a good 25 mins) trying to explain to a woman and her teenaged son how FP works and that yes, they can use it too...

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Post by AKLRULZ » Oct Mon 01, 2007 3:27 pm

Steve is right - I have a lot of clients who have no idea how FP works and many think it costs money. :shock: Not everyone is as Disney-savvy as us Disneyphobes (and I'm not sure if that is a good or bad thing - LOL).
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Post by rdeacon » Oct Mon 01, 2007 5:05 pm

I have to add another pet peeve to my list:

People who let their children run amok and have a complete disregard for Disney property or other guest...

When I was just there I saw children climbing into the roped off window display in the Mickey's PhilharMagic gift shop. The parents were encouraging them to go in the display go get a picture... um HELLO.. IT ROPED OFF FOR A REASON!!!

And I saw several other kids climbing on lamp posts and displays... where are the parents who know better.

Just a sad state of our society, lazy parents lead to future convicts...

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Post by Dr. Ravenscroft » Oct Mon 01, 2007 8:11 pm

rdeacon wrote:I have to add another pet peeve to my list:

People who let their children run amok and have a complete disregard for Disney property or other guest...

When I was just there I saw children climbing into the roped off window display in the Mickey's PhilharMagic gift shop. The parents were encouraging them to go in the display go get a picture... um HELLO.. IT ROPED OFF FOR A REASON!!!

And I saw several other kids climbing on lamp posts and displays... where are the parents who know better.
I actually have pictures of a couple of kids doing this kind of stuff. And I always see kids climbing on stuff all over the parks railings, trashcans, cast members (yes cast members), and ride vehicles (climbing over the center divider during the ride).

Add this one to my collection too, thatnks for pointing it out Rich.

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Post by boilerbabe » Oct Tue 02, 2007 11:10 am

I would have to agree! Where are the parents of these out of control children?! If I acted like that when I was little, I would've gotten smacked! I just wasn't allowed to act that way! When I was on vacations though in WDW, I was so happy to be there, I didn't dream of behaving like that. I guess it's just a sign of the times. :roll:

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Post by spaulo » Oct Tue 02, 2007 12:18 pm

AKLRULZ wrote:Not everyone is as Disney-savvy as us Disneyphobes (and I'm not sure if that is a good or bad thing - LOL).
I'm sure you meant Disneyphiles (lovers of Disney) and not Disneyphobes (scared of Disney)

... or did you? :twisted:

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Post by AKLRULZ » Oct Tue 02, 2007 2:10 pm

spaulo wrote:
AKLRULZ wrote:Not everyone is as Disney-savvy as us Disneyphobes (and I'm not sure if that is a good or bad thing - LOL).
I'm sure you meant Disneyphiles (lovers of Disney) and not Disneyphobes (scared of Disney)

... or did you? :twisted:
LOL! Now there was a slip of the tongue! :shock: Totaly meant Disneyphiles.
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Disney west
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Post by Disney west » Oct Tue 02, 2007 5:35 pm

I do not care for the people who think they are owed something just because they are there.

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Post by tmptnr » Oct Tue 23, 2007 10:29 pm

They need to cut down on the strollers. They can get annoying

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