Pet peeves

In relation to Disney Parks but not specific to a single resort

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Post by broncoflyer8912 » Apr Tue 10, 2007 12:43 am

I just hate it when people walk really slow and get in my way, its like walk at a normal pace, or move to the side of the walkway so you aren't slowing down the rest of the walkway with the traffic jam you are creating by walking at a snail's pace! :evil:
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Post by rdeacon » Apr Tue 10, 2007 1:04 pm

js3901 wrote:I will admit, that on certain attractions, I have been known to hum along with the song. I try to contain it as much as possible, but sometimes my happiness overpowers my control..
Oh I hate people that hum the ride s o n g.... oops


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Post by Lion Sleeps Tonight » Apr Tue 10, 2007 1:33 pm

csquare77 wrote:Along With the "flashers" and "stoppers" How about the people that leave their gum in all different places. :evil:
Ah, yes the gum. One attraction that comes right to mind is Splash Mountain in Disneyland. Also, everyone and their mother needs to carve out their names and when they visited into the wooden railings. Sheesh.
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Post by DISNEYman » Apr Tue 10, 2007 10:20 pm

^It bugs me like no other when people insist of carving their presence on any thing they can get their hands on. I wonder what they get away with outside of the park.

I think humming on songs is tolerable, I partake in it, but the repetition of lines is inconsiderate of other guests in the park. By far, the worst is when you get a boat in Pirates filled with obnoxious teenagers who can't keep their voice down! I swear, if they spoke lightly, I would have no issues.

Add litter/gum as an annoyance of mine, and that's not just in Disneyland!

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Post by FlatlandMounty » Apr Tue 10, 2007 10:50 pm

Wow, I could go on for hours. People surrender any bit of common sense to Airport security these days.

1. Flashes on dark rides (not as bad as the lights for video cameras though)
2. Middle stoppers
3. Stroller Nazis. These are the people that think their million dollar cappocino machine/stroller is better than everyone elses when it comes to getting into buildings. "Its raining," "my kids asleep," or my favorite "Do you know how hard it is to lug this kid around?" well, I know there is some people at Disney that would love to watch your kid while you are riding....they're called child protective services good luck getting them back though
4. Disability fakers--these are the jerks that read rumor sites about how to skip lines and pull every trick possible so they don't have to wait. The best part is that new rides have wheelchairs go all the way through the line, and these are the only people that complain while the kid who is strapped to an iron lung cries because they are so happy they are letting them on a ride for a change.
5. Hungry Hungry Hippos--the folks that buy food and drinks seconds before getting in line, then complain when they can't take it on the ride. They hold up the line while they yell about how a coke is $4.50 and they aren't throwing it away. (No theme park will let you do this)
6. Math wizzes--the group of 30 in front of you that can never remember how many are in their group. They wait til its time to board to count the group, then spend 20 minutes figuring out who will sit with who for the next 3 minutes. My personal fave is when the cast member says "how many?" and they reply "All of us"
7. Group Splitters--The people that get in line when half the group isn't there, then expect everyone to be OK with letting the other 13 people join back with them. That, or they send rogues to get fast passes somewhere else and get crazy when cast members try to stop fights by not letting them cut into the line. I've seen several fights break out over stupid stuff like this.
8. Wanna Be Cast Members--They try to inform other guests of how stupid they are by getting each other's faces instead of letting the cast handle situations. Or they like to tell cast members they're doing they're job wrong. I watch these kids tell 15 guests something and guest 16 comes up and tells them "This isn't what happened yesterday," or "I'm not waiting in this line" or "I'm going to do what I want"

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Post by jbvenn » Apr Wed 11, 2007 12:13 am

Wow, what an impressive list... Some great points there.

Of course "Stopping in the middle of the row is distinctly unpatriotic!" The people who do this are also the people who think that the rules of common courtesy that apply to other people, don't apply to them.

People who use strollers as weapons also bug me, especially since when my kids were stroller age, we really tried to be considerate of people around us.

But my greatest pet peeve, especially at WDW, is people who are slobs. You go to Disney parks, where it's obvious that people have put forth a lot of effort to maintain a higher standard of neatness and cleanliness, and some jerks just can't wait to foul it up. I think that some people have an attitude when they go on vacation that because they're not at home and someone else has to clean up the mess, it's OK to be a slob. They don't care about the people who have to clean up after them, or about the other guests who may have to deal with their mess until the cast members clean it up.

P.S. to Flatland Mounty: I don't think people really surrender their common sense at the airport. Speaking from personal experience, I think people are just so afraid that they're going to be told that they can't fly, and that they'll be stuck in some endless bureaucratic nightmare, that they go along with the nonsense, knowing full well that it's nonsense. It's called choosing your battles.
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Post by CDAbleson » Apr Wed 11, 2007 6:08 am

CSquare hit my BIGGEST PEEVE.....The disrespectful people who throw gum all over the attractions.....The constantly yapping teenagers, who seem to have better things to do, also really tick me off.....

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Post by soccermouse » Apr Thu 12, 2007 1:46 pm

FlatlandMounty wrote: 7. Group Splitters--The people that get in line when half the group isn't there, then expect everyone to be OK with letting the other 13 people join back with them. That, or they send rogues to get fast passes somewhere else and get crazy when cast members try to stop fights by not letting them cut into the line. I've seen several fights break out over stupid stuff like this.
You took mine. I can understand the parent that needs to run a little one to the restroom, but much more than that . . .

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Post by spaulo » Apr Thu 12, 2007 2:59 pm

Agreed, if the "catching-upper(s)" is/are children or one adult with children, I don't think twice... when it's a group/multiple adults, teenagers, etc, I get all huffy.

Actually I'm very hard to offend and am usually way too into the day to care for more than a second or two, but still...

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Post by bbowen13 » Apr Thu 12, 2007 5:03 pm

Flatlandmounty, sounds like you have been waiting for this topic for awhile. Great post and dead on! :lol:

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Post by kgmadorin » Apr Sat 14, 2007 10:18 am

This is a great topic! The interesting thing is many of your pet peeves are identical to those lamented by Cast Members on a daily basis. Too bad there isn't a way to solve some of these once and for all...
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Sarah Turp
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Post by Sarah Turp » Apr Sat 14, 2007 11:19 am

I agree with all of the ones mentioned so far.

I also hate it when you have sat patiently waiting for a parade or show for a long time. Often well over an hour, then right befor it start some idiot comes and tries to push in next to you or worse in front of you! You often get families coming in late and asking to let their kids come through to the front, which is annyoing if you were sitting on the kerb as you then have to stand to see over the kids, but when I was there last time the whole family wanted to come though to " hold their toddlers hand in case he gets scared"! Yes i am seroius that is what they said when they sat down infront of us! Luckilly a Cast member was like 2 meters away and informed them that is they wanted front row seats for the parade then they ought to have arrived earlier!
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Post by subsonic » Apr Mon 16, 2007 11:00 am


Ahh, very good one. Yes, when you play by the rules, get there early, and then people who come late think they should have the same privileges as you.
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Post by acp » Apr Mon 16, 2007 11:07 am

Yeah, it is kind of annoying when people do that.

That said, I often did ask any kids who were behind me if tehy wanted to stand in front of me, mainly because by that point I'd seen the parade lots of times before, and I wasn't the one that was there on holiday.

I did this for IllumiNations too when sitting in the area at the front of the World Showcase between Canada and Mexico. I'd often end up right at the front, since I'd worked out what time to get there and where to head for if they open that area up. If it ended up that there were kids sitting behind me (or behind people either side of me), I'd offer to swap places with them. It's easier for me to see over their heads than it is for them to see over mine!

Andy. Often ended up in polite-cast-member-mode when in the parks but not working...
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Post by Lion Sleeps Tonight » Apr Mon 16, 2007 1:49 pm

Smoking in a non-designated smoking area is another pet peeve I have. What is worse is when you tell them to stop, and they nod as if they understand, but don't put it out or move somewhere else to do it. :roll:

acp: I totally get what you mean about being polite to guests when not on the clock. When you work for Disney, you're always "onstage", lol.
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