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8 + 5 = 13 Days in Disney World

Posted: Oct Tue 18, 2011 5:28 pm
by Len90
Okay, so I know this is a little overdue, but I have not been free at all for the past 5+ weeks. The holdover due to the hurricane cost me the 5 days I had planned to work on secondary applications plus I missed the first day of classes at RU. I got done with secondaries just in time for the first wave of exams. Those have now past so here is the trip report!!! I’m going to go day-by-day and will eventually be adding pictures to it.

Day 1 (8/19/2011)

Today was going to be a fun day. I had scheduled us on a 9:30am flight out of JFK as it was the cheapest airfare I could find. This would mean a very early wakeup as the limo to the airport was scheduled to come at 5:45. I was set to wake up at 4:30 after excitement finally let me dose off at around 1:45am. However, Mother Nature had a different opinion and unleashed her fury with a pounding thunderstorm at 3:45 that woke us all up bright and early. I was extremely worried that our 9:30 flight would be delayed or cancelled. Luckily we were still on time after the storm had passed as our plane was parked at JFK overnight. The limo came around 5 minutes late so we loaded up quickly and hit the road. We were able to stay just ahead of the morning rush and were treated to a decent sunrise as we crossed the Verrazano Bridge into Brooklyn. We got to the airport where we discovered a mess at the terminal. There were lines everywhere but this was all planned for as we got to the airport about 2.5 hours ahead of our departure time. After around an hour and a half to go through security and check our luggage it was off to get a quick sit-down breakfast. A quick check of the board showed why there were crazy lines. Most flights were running on delays due to the early morning thunderstorms. The 8am flight to Orlando was set to depart at the same time as our flight! We made it back to the gate about a minute before boarding. I immediately tried to take out the 30D for some plane pictures but had no chance to shoot anything. I was approached by the gate clerk and questioned if I would like to move up to the exit row with more legroom. Being the family guy I am, I said it would have to be my whole family or bust. They had the space so were moved up on the plane :D

JFK air traffic was a nightmare. We had about a 30-minute wait for takeoff as they were still trying to recover from the storm. The flight was pretty boring, which is a great thing. The time passed extremely slowly as I kept working on the schedule ahead for baggage claim time, rental car, and check-in. I knew we were fine for dinner, which would be at O’hana, but I didn’t want to waste so much time. It worked out that our flight made it in about 5 minutes early to Orlando, so I was very happy. Arriving into MCO is one of my favorite moments on a vacation as it really just screams out you have arrived! The only issue I have with MCO is the baggage. It is always a long wait to get bags, and this trip was no exception. We finally got our bags and ran over to the Alamo counter. Luckily I had set everything up perfectly so there was no issue with car class or price. Now we just had to go out to the garage and pick our car. We go out to the aisle and of course Murphy’s Law takes over. There were no Standard SUVs, just mid-size SUVs that would never fit our bags. After a brief discussion with the garage manager they brought us up a 2011 Ford Explorer. I packed the trunk in what must have been less than a minute and we scurried off to our second home.

Part 2 of day 1 coming soon...

Re: 8 + 5 = 13 Days in Disney World

Posted: Oct Tue 18, 2011 6:56 pm
by mindflipper
Glad to see you've got it started!

Where's the photos?

Re: 8 + 5 = 13 Days in Disney World

Posted: Oct Tue 18, 2011 7:02 pm
by Amy
Yay for the beginning of the trip report! Sounds like an adventurous start to the vacation...

Re: 8 + 5 = 13 Days in Disney World

Posted: Oct Tue 18, 2011 10:05 pm
by Len90
Here's the rest of Day 1. Sorry for the length on this day. Others will be shorter.

The trip over to YC was pretty uneventful, as we have all come to know our way to and from Disney World. After a quick stop at Hess Express so we could stock the in room fridge, we arrived at YC. The first glimpse of the resort upon arrival is another one of my favorite parts of the vacation. To me it symbolizes being home and that for the next 8 nights there will be no problems in my life. We quickly unpacked the trunk and proceeded to check-in. Check-in went as smooth as possible and we had just accomplished travel day with minimal hassle and virtually no delays. We got to our rooms which gave us a beautiful water view and had almost no walk from the elevators… that was a first for us since we usually have extremely long walks to our room. We quickly unpacked and decided to head off towards MK. By now it was already nearing 4PM and dinner reservations were for five o’clock at O’hana (my arrival night ritual). We ended up making it to the Poly just in time for the restaurant opening and checked-in. There was a small wait as they were just opening so

Dinner was pretty good at O’hana. I honestly had extremely high expectations going into this evening so a let down was to be expected. The steak was severely undercooked. It seemed like they were serving it rare/medium rare and it usually is medium/medium well. I also noticed that the service was slower than in the past. I understand Disney not wanting to rush guests, but to take around 90 minutes for dinner where it is all you can eat food brought to you was a bit long. The little things like that upset me a bit, but I still enjoyed the meal. A part of me wondered if this was becoming too expected so if there is a net year we might move O’hana to another night.

After dinner the plan was to head over to MK for some nighttime entertainment and maybe squeeze in EMH for a bit. However, Mother Nature decided that our plans needed to change and presented us with a massive thunderstorm and torrential rains. According to the weather on my phone it was a passing storm and would probably clear in an hour or two. We headed over to Contemporary figuring we could stall for time on the grand concourse and figure out a back-up plan for the night. That worked perfectly because 30 minutes later the rains started clearing and we took the monorail back to MK.

It was already after 8:00 when got to MK so crowds on Main St. were pretty bad for MSEP. We decided that tonight we would try for fireworks and maybe the 11PM MSEP. A quick ride on Buzz, Monsters Inc show, and some time at the TDP (Tomorrowland Dance Party) accomplished that. I am proud to say I danced with Pluto :D We headed back towards Main St. utilizing the noodle station and that walkway to avoid crowds on the bridge. Unfortunately Disney didn’t have much PAC out and the crowds were bad after the 9:00 MSEP. It bottlenecked to the point where fights were breaking out among guests and strollers were becoming battering rams. It was a very saddening thing for me to see. Disney usually has better control and it really felt like a lack of care and concern on their part. Just before fireworks started the Magic, Memories, and You went on. I was near my favorite viewing location (MK bakery) and enjoyed the show. My only complaint was you couldn’t really see any of the pictures projected on the castle. However, I did enjoy the colorful projection on the castle. We watched Wishes, which still ranks very high in my all time favorite fireworks shows and hung around for the 11PM MSEP. Following that we headed back and called it a night.

Re: 8 + 5 = 13 Days in Disney World

Posted: Oct Tue 18, 2011 11:05 pm
by mindflipper
After all that airline travel and running through the airports maybe it would have been better to take the first day a bit easier? I usually find airline travel does not put me into a positive state of mind for a busy time like being at a theme-park...

Re: 8 + 5 = 13 Days in Disney World

Posted: Oct Wed 19, 2011 1:05 am
by Soarin08
Good job on posting! I need to get back on mine. So far so good here with yours though!

Re: 8 + 5 = 13 Days in Disney World

Posted: Oct Wed 19, 2011 7:05 am
by Amy
mindflipper wrote:After all that airline travel and running through the airports maybe it would have been better to take the first day a bit easier? I usually find airline travel does not put me into a positive state of mind for a busy time like being at a theme-park...
I'm usually so excited that I can't wait to get into the parks. It would kill me having a 90 minute dinner before I could even start exploring :shock:
Len90 wrote:Unfortunately Disney didn’t have much PAC out and the crowds were bad after the 9:00 MSEP
What does PAC stand for? That is sad that people were so shove-y and rude. I noticed that on our last trip that people have become so impatient and oblivious to anything except their own family that it is just quite disappointing in the human race sometimes. Rather than battle and fight and get out a few minutes sooner, maybe everyone could stop and look around and enjoy the scenery for another minute and wait for people to start clearing out in front of them. I hate crowds because of that whole stampede mentality :(
Too bad that Ohana was a bit disappointing. But smart thinking riding out the worst of the storm at the Contemporary!

Re: 8 + 5 = 13 Days in Disney World

Posted: Oct Wed 19, 2011 3:09 pm
by Soarin08
PAC = parade audience control is how I've heard it defined by my former roomie on my first CP who did that job (still does, seasonally).

Re: 8 + 5 = 13 Days in Disney World

Posted: Oct Wed 19, 2011 3:24 pm
by mindflipper
Soarin08 wrote:PAC = parade audience control is how I've heard it defined by my former roomie on my first CP who did that job (still does, seasonally).
Thanks for definition. :D

Re: 8 + 5 = 13 Days in Disney World

Posted: Oct Wed 19, 2011 6:42 pm
by Amy
mindflipper wrote:
Soarin08 wrote:PAC = parade audience control is how I've heard it defined by my former roomie on my first CP who did that job (still does, seasonally).
Thanks for definition. :D
Definitely. All I could think of was Political Action Committee and I couldn't for the life of me figure out how that would lead to stampedes and riots :roll:

Re: 8 + 5 = 13 Days in Disney World

Posted: Oct Wed 19, 2011 9:03 pm
by mindflipper
Amy wrote:
mindflipper wrote:
Soarin08 wrote:PAC = parade audience control is how I've heard it defined by my former roomie on my first CP who did that job (still does, seasonally).
Thanks for definition. :D
Definitely. All I could think of was Political Action Committee and I couldn't for the life of me figure out how that would lead to stampedes and riots :roll:
Tea parties, Amy, tea parties... :wink: :lol:

Re: 8 + 5 = 13 Days in Disney World

Posted: Oct Thu 20, 2011 8:00 am
by cy1229
'Ohana is one of our absolute favorite places to eat so that it was not up to par is definitely disappointing. When it comes to parades and fireworks, my older daughter is very anxious in big crowds so we typically stay places where perhaps the view is not the greatest but she feels like she has some breathing room, and when the crowd is filtering out we always just sit and wait. It's really nice to relax and "people watch." Now that our girls are teenagers, my husband and I smile to ourselves when we see young children having the melt down -- not out of spite, but understanding and thankfulness that we're beyond that.

I look forward to reading about the rest of your trip!

Re: 8 + 5 = 13 Days in Disney World

Posted: Oct Thu 20, 2011 10:45 am
by yodiwan1
just a tip for everyone..great place with a unique view to watch any parade at Magic Kingdom...on the second level at the Main Street Railroad Station!! IF you are lucky you may even get a chair, and on hot days there is shade!

Re: 8 + 5 = 13 Days in Disney World

Posted: Oct Thu 20, 2011 10:53 am
by Len90
cy1229 wrote:'Ohana is one of our absolute favorite places to eat so that it was not up to par is definitely disappointing.

I look forward to reading about the rest of your trip!
O'hana is one of my absolute favorites so I was holding it to a higher standard than usual.
yodiwan1 wrote:just a tip for everyone..great place with a unique view to watch any parade at Magic Kingdom...on the second level at the Main Street Railroad Station!! IF you are lucky you may even get a chair, and on hot days there is shade!
Every time I have tried to even look up there it is completely filled. I like the vantage point it offers but can never luck out.

More report is coming but a lab report stands in between everything. I have a feeling I'll be working on this over Thanksgiving break and into Winter recess :( :shock:

Re: 8 + 5 = 13 Days in Disney World

Posted: Oct Thu 20, 2011 11:01 am
by yodiwan1
In June when we went, we got there about 30 min was SO HOT!!!!! but the shade made it much more bearable.