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Re: Our Exciting Vacation in the World

Posted: Oct Sun 09, 2011 2:25 pm
by Brian845
Saturday August 27th, Part 2

We split up at this point, with DW taking T back to the resort. I was hoping my wife would be able to convince T to stop at the Living Seas, but he said he was too tired (he was done after the Mexico ride). K and I set off for Norway and the Maelstrom ride. I hadn't ridden this since our Honeymoon, so I didn't remember if it was scary or not. All my wife could remember was going down the big hill backwards, so she didn't feel up for that. As it turns out her memory was faulty...The hill that you go backwards on is very mild, and even the big hill is no worse than PotC. I think my wife would have been just fine, and T would have enjoyed the gift shop (he likes Thor stuff). Oh well, next trip!

Here's the tough part...After the ride, K and I started walking to the International Gateway boat dock, so we could head over to Hollywood Studios and Tower of Terror. I was discussing our options for the rest of the day (keeping in mind our dinner plans at the Castle at 6PM), and he couldn't make a choice between staying at Epcot and doing the Living Seas or going to Hollywood Studios. He said he "couldn't choose", and that he really wanted to do both, but our plans for the evening didn't allow that much time. He got visibly upset, so we sat down for a minute to talk about it it. He grudgingly chose Tower of Terror, so we continued on to the boat dock. K still was unhappy, and by the time we got on the boat he was really upset. So much so that he was having a melt down. So I decided we should get off the boat immediately. Unfortunately the boat was just pulling away from the dock. I yelled to the deck hand that I needed to get my son off the boat. At first he refused, but I quickly whipped out our Guest Assistance Card and explained the situation, and they brought us back to the dock (it was only a couple of feet away). That GA Card really saved the day! We disembarked and walked back to Epcot, which made K very relieved.

I decided that we would quickly do the Living Seas, and then take the bus over to Hollywood Studios (I wasn't going to mention all of the other things we hadn't done this trip, like Journey into the Imagination and most of the countries!). I grabbed a single stroller on the way back into the park, and sped as quickly as I could push it over to the Living Seas. We got on right away, did the Finding Nemo ride, and didn't stick around to explore any other parts of the pavilion (not even the gift shop!).

This is the one part of the trip that Disney Transportation really worked out well. As we were heading over to the bus stop, there was a bus to Hollywood Studios just pulling in. We had to run for a bit (and yelled at some people near the bus to get the bus driver to wait), but we made it to the studios by a little after 1PM. We got another single stroller, and cruised over to the Tower of Terror. There were some dark storm clouds on the horizon, so I figured we were due for a storm. We made it into the hotel just as it was starting to sprinkle. The ride has an interesting backstory, and I was definitely feeling a bit apprehensive (remember that I'm not crazy about thrill rides). It was a pretty hair raising experience...I think I was weightless for a bit at the top as we started to descend (on a few different occasions). I can't say I enjoyed it much, but at least I can say I've done it, and I would do it again if K wants to go. As we exited the ride, we picked up a Tower of Terror pin for K on the way out.

Naturally K wanted to go on the Rock'n Roller Coaster, so we headed over there since it was right next door. K wore his earplugs for this ride, since I figured the music would be loud at least. This was one heck of a ride too, but I felt a little more secure with the shoulder restraints. I would have no problems doing this one again if the kids want to go. We left a memento at this ride for future visits, since one of K's earplugs fell out midway through the ride (and undoubtedly fell out during one of the loops). People must lose stuff on this ride all the time! We bought a pin for K on the way out, but did not buy a ride photo...I saw no need to immortalize the grimace of pain/fear on my face! We finished up here at around 2PM.

More in a bit! :ccat:

Re: Our Exciting Vacation in the World

Posted: Oct Sun 09, 2011 2:30 pm
by Amy
Wow, I almost forgot that you hadn't finished your trip report yet :shock:

That was smart (and nice) of you to suggest guest relations for those poor folks. You probably helped them have a much better day and impression of WDW by saving them returning to the resort...
Brian845 wrote:The delay at Test Track put us behind our schedule (which we didn't have).
Yeah, no schedule :roll: :lol:

Cool photo of your wife and son speeding away in Test Track!

It is funny when you see people you know in the parks. We ran into relatives of friends of ours during our last trip ~ twice. What was fun was we knew they were going to be there, but they didn't know we were going to be there so they were quite shocked when they saw us :lol:
Brian845 wrote:After the boat ride we spent some time in the "open air" market (since my children love gift shops).
Wait :shock: Your kids love gift shops?!?! I never would have guessed! ;) :lol:

Re: Our Exciting Vacation in the World

Posted: Oct Sun 09, 2011 2:32 pm
by Amy
Brian845 wrote:Saturday August 27th, Part 2

We split up at this point, with DW taking T back to the resort. I was hoping my wife would be able to convince T to stop at the Living Seas, but he said he was too tired (he was done after the Mexico ride). K and I set off for Norway and the Maelstrom ride. I hadn't ridden this since our Honeymoon, so I didn't remember if it was scary or not. All my wife could remember was going down the big hill backwards, so she didn't feel up for that. As it turns out her memory was faulty...The hill that you go backwards on is very mild, and even the big hill is no worse than PotC. I think my wife would have been just fine, and T would have enjoyed the gift shop (he likes Thor stuff). Oh well, next trip!

Here's the tough part...After the ride, K and I started walking to the International Gateway boat dock, so we could head over to Hollywood Studios and Tower of Terror.
Yeah, Norway is pretty tame. But I can see it being a bit scary for little ones though. Another gift might have dodged a bullet there. Plus, as you said, it gives you something to look forward to for the next trip.

Re: Our Exciting Vacation in the World

Posted: Oct Sun 09, 2011 3:14 pm
by boilerbabe
Wow! Even though you were running short on time, it sounds like you guys accomplished alot! Can't wait for the rest! And more pictures! :D

Re: Our Exciting Vacation in the World

Posted: Oct Sat 15, 2011 1:48 pm
by Mousekedude
I have to say, Brian845, that your trip report is one of the most awesome I've seen in a while! And I pride myself on making really good trip reports, as my fellow Mayhem Marauders will attest... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Keep up the good work, Dude...!!!

Re: Our Exciting Vacation in the World

Posted: Oct Sat 15, 2011 3:32 pm
by Amy
Mousekedude wrote:I have to say, Brian845, that your trip report is one of the most awesome I've seen in a while! And I pride myself on making really good trip reports, as my fellow Mayhem Marauders will attest... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Keep up the good work, Dude...!!!
If he does say so himself :roll: ;)
Mousekedude is an awesome writer, and a pretty nice editor in a pinch :D

Re: Our Exciting Vacation in the World

Posted: Oct Sat 15, 2011 5:06 pm
by Mousekedude
Amy wrote:
Mousekedude wrote:I have to say, Brian845, that your trip report is one of the most awesome I've seen in a while! And I pride myself on making really good trip reports, as my fellow Mayhem Marauders will attest... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Keep up the good work, Dude...!!!
If he does say so himself :roll: ;)
Mousekedude is an awesome writer, and a pretty nice editor in a pinch :D
Awwww, gawrsh.... thanks, Amy... :oops: :D

Re: Our Exciting Vacation in the World

Posted: Oct Tue 18, 2011 8:56 am
by Len90
Okay so I finally had the time to read your final day. You definitely liked out with the friendship crew and that GA card. I take it that it was your first trip on ToT. It is definitely an intense attraction and offers up a huge thrill. My mom and I ended up doing ToT and RnR immediately after as well. I think it worked out to about 20 minutes between both attractions. Those two combined give me the most thrilling experience you can have at WDW.

Awesome job on the report and I only hope that mine, which is in progress, can be nearly as well written!

Re: Our Exciting Vacation in the World

Posted: Oct Tue 18, 2011 11:04 am
by cy1229
Amy wrote:I figured the pro-tip on laundry soap would have been, put some in your luggage from home :shock: ;)
That is nice that you got up so early to get the family clean clothes ~ your wife is lucky!
An even better traveling laundry trip is the all-in-one laundry sheets that Purex makes. Buy a package of these and tuck in the corner of your suitcase. You don't have to worry about liquids spilling or powders invading everything else. There's something like 25 loads in a box so if you're only going to do 5 loads you can throw them in a plastic bag and then they're REALLY compact. This is what we used on our extended family trip in 2010 and it worked out great.

Re: Our Exciting Vacation in the World

Posted: Oct Tue 18, 2011 11:26 am
by cy1229
Brian845 wrote:
So T and I headed back to the Jedi Training Academy to get a good spot to view the show and waited. It didn't take long for K and the other trainees to appear in their Jedi robes. He was happy to be on the stage rather than the area below the stage, since that meant he would be battling Darth Vader as opposed to Darth Maul. Apparently Darth Maul would have been tougher since he had a dual lightsaber. The show was really funny, and definitely worth the time spent. I'm glad K found out about the show, since I never would have considered signing him up for it (I didn't really know about it).
My nephew participated in the Jedi Training Academy, too, and really loved it. When we did it, the show was just a temporary offering outside of Star Tours and wasn't intended to be a permanent offering. I'm glad they've kept it so the rest of the Jedi trainees can participate! My nephew kept the Jedi Master and Darth Vader on their toes as he deviated from the scripted moves and tried to kill Vader! We all laughed, and I got an epic photo of my nephew battling Darth Vader. I'm really glad he saved us all from the dark side!

Re: Our Exciting Vacation in the World

Posted: Oct Tue 18, 2011 11:43 am
by Amy
cy1229 wrote:
Amy wrote:I figured the pro-tip on laundry soap would have been, put some in your luggage from home :shock: ;)
That is nice that you got up so early to get the family clean clothes ~ your wife is lucky!
An even better traveling laundry trip is the all-in-one laundry sheets that Purex makes. Buy a package of these and tuck in the corner of your suitcase. You don't have to worry about liquids spilling or powders invading everything else. There's something like 25 loads in a box so if you're only going to do 5 loads you can throw them in a plastic bag and then they're REALLY compact. This is what we used on our extended family trip in 2010 and it worked out great.
We took those on our last trip somewhere where we knew we would be doing laundry. They are pretty handy for sure!

Re: Our Exciting Vacation in the World

Posted: Oct Sun 23, 2011 5:38 pm
by Brian845
cy1229 wrote:
Amy wrote:I figured the pro-tip on laundry soap would have been, put some in your luggage from home :shock: ;)
That is nice that you got up so early to get the family clean clothes ~ your wife is lucky!
An even better traveling laundry trip is the all-in-one laundry sheets that Purex makes. Buy a package of these and tuck in the corner of your suitcase. You don't have to worry about liquids spilling or powders invading everything else. There's something like 25 loads in a box so if you're only going to do 5 loads you can throw them in a plastic bag and then they're REALLY compact. This is what we used on our extended family trip in 2010 and it worked out great.
Hehe, nice to get some laundry tips:). I'll have to look for those laundry sheets, I've never heard of them before. Clever idea tho!

Re: Our Exciting Vacation in the World

Posted: Oct Sun 23, 2011 6:11 pm
by Brian845
Ok, so it looks like my "bit" from "More in a bit" turned out to be two weeks, but I've been very busy with real life these days. Hopefully I'll have enough time to finish the report!

K and I arrived back at the resort, and regaled my wife and younger son with the tales of the afternoon's exploits. We didn't pause long tho, since we had dinner reservations at the Castle, to celebrate our 10th anniversary (we ate there on our Honeymoon). So we took a bus to the Magic Kingdom (which meant that K and I had visited 3 parks this day, which is a rare feat, at least for us). We visited Tomorrowland first, since my wife wanted to see the Carousel of Progress. I hadn't seen it in 10 years, and I think it might have changed a bit since then. It made an impression on my older son, since he still talks about how people washed clothes and hung them out on a line to dry before there were washing machines.

After CoP, we headed over to the Castle for dinner. K wanted to watch the show in front of the castle for a bit. I've never been much of a fan of these shows, but it seems like we should plan to watch at least one on our next trip. After checking in for dinner, we waited for a bit and then proceeded to our pictures with Cinderella (my youngest son did not cooperate, but I think we got one halfway decent picture. Dinner was good, but our waiter was kind of surly. My wife enjoyed meeting all the princesses, and K was game enough to take his picture with each one. T wanted no part of princesses, much less deigning to take a picture with them. This is definitely more for the little girl set, but at least my sons were given weapons. They got many different weapons over the course of the trip, including pirate pistols, light sabers, and now short swords. Ariel called my son "Flounder" because he was wearing a yellow shirt with blue stripes...Cute!:). The dinner wasn't a total bust for my youngest son, since he really had fun decorating his own cupcake (there were *lots* of sprinkles).

It was probably around 7:30 at this point, so we were going to wind things down and try to get out of the park before the parade crowds were ready to leave. We took a ride on the Regal Carrousel (I have since learned why it is spelled with two Rs...That's how it is spelled in French). My wife and youngest son headed back to the resort at this point, leaving K and I the opportunity to take a couple of last rides for this trip. Having learned from my experience with K earlier in the day, I made sure not to offer him any choices between, I just asked one question at a time. I started with "Do you want to ride Space Mountain?", and of course the answer was "Yes!". Again, I can't say I had tremendous fun, and this ride still kind of freaks me out even after having ridden Tower of Terror and Rock N Roller Coaster...Didn't someone get decapitated on this ride? (Yeah, I know that's an Urban Legend) I made sure to duck my head down as best I could, and we both survived this second ride with our heads intact. The next question was "Do you want to ride Big Thunder Mountain", with another affirmative answer, so we quickly made our way across the park as they were getting set up for the parade/fireworks. After a fun experience riding the mine train at night, I asked the final question for the evening: "Do you want to ride Splash Mountain". He would never say no to that of course, so we finished the 3 mountains in the Magic Kingdom, all in the span of 45 minutes (yes, I know using the Guest Assistance Card is cheating, but it was so much fun!). We rode the train back to the Main Street STation, and exited the park just about when the parade started. It was a great way to finish the trip (I'm sorry I don't have any pictures to share from this evening!).

To truly finish off the evening, K and I went for a last swim in the resort pool. It was about 9:30 when we got down there (the Electrical Water Pageant started shortly after we got there), which meant we had abbut 30 minues to swim before the lifeguards retired for the evening. With a bit of effort, he managed to make it down the slide 6 or 7 times before they roped it off and closed it. We swam for a little whle afterwards, and listened to the Wishes Fireworks from the pool.

After our swim, we got some food at the Roaring Forks Cafe (we still had some quick service meals to use up). My wife had spent the evening packing, so we were pretty much ready to go. After our meal, we headed off to bed. :ccat:

Next up is the last day at Disney...

Re: Our Exciting Vacation in the World

Posted: Oct Sun 23, 2011 6:37 pm
by Amy
I had to go back and read some of your earlier parts of the day as I had forgotten some of what had happened. That is awesome that your oldest son was able to take pictures with the princesses. I doubt my nephews would be willing to do that!
Smart thinking offering one attraction at a time for K. I'm sure that by this point in the trip he was running into so much stimulation that you were helping him enjoy himself much better. I'm so glad you thought to use your guest assistance card. It's not cheating if you can make the whole trip smoother for yourself, your son and all those around you.
Oh no, the last day :( That's always a sad day...

Re: Our Exciting Vacation in the World

Posted: Oct Sun 23, 2011 7:30 pm
by boilerbabe
Wow, great day! You guys really packed it in!!! :D