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20K Leagues under the sea attraction - Disneyland Paris

Posted: Mar Tue 27, 2007 7:14 am
by wess_80
If you ever get across a video of the 20K leagues under the sea attraction that is located next to space mountain in Disneyland Paris, sit down and take the ride through (there's at least one on youtube). The attraction takes you on a tour of the Nautilus (like a walkthrough), with a segment where you encounter some giant squids. For anyone who is a fan of the original ride, the movie or the book, this is a great ride.

The tomorrowland in Paris has a couple of attraction which focus on Jules Verne (space mountain is another one). Being a fan of this man, this appeals to me but if this would keep the 20k walkthrough ride from being implemented anywhere else.

Posted: Mar Tue 27, 2007 11:45 am
by acp
It's not so much a ride as a walk through, really. There's no "riding" anything involved.. Not even any sitting down :)

It's still very cool.

Posted: Mar Wed 28, 2007 7:08 am
by wess_80
I love the fact that it takes the feeling of "future" from the early 20th century and brings it in a cool place... much like Tomorrowland felt before it's major facelifts.

Posted: Mar Fri 30, 2007 12:41 pm
by U016292
I just like it that you need to walk in it instead of sitting in a ride.
Now, when you walk throughout the submarine, it gives you the feeling that you really are in the real Nautilus! If it was a ride, the feeling would'nt be the same. :mickey:

Posted: May Wed 02, 2007 6:45 pm
by thsawrp
Dont they have a replica of the chicken of the sea tuna Pirate ship???

Posted: Sep Tue 04, 2007 5:20 pm
by blinkereye123
Hi folks. From what I've been able to estimate since hearing about this attraction I can tell you it is in fact a replica of the original 20k exhibit that was at DL in its early days. Everything from the walk-through set up to the giant squid attack, even the narration, (even though it's in French), is enough to make anyone nostalgic for the early Tomorrowland attraction. On a side note; when EuroDisney opened it did include not only Captain Hook's Galley ship in Adventureland but even included Skull Rock as part of its Pirate's Island area, (sound familiar?). Well, until later, peace.

Posted: Oct Wed 01, 2008 4:27 pm
by Son of Dreamfinder
I still wish I could go 20000 leagues is one of my favorite disney movies

Posted: Sep Thu 10, 2009 9:57 pm
by mindflipper
It's a good walk-through attraction, like the Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse. It does remind one of the different sets from the film. Squid attack is well done.

Posted: Jan Sat 09, 2010 3:39 am
by alsirrap
I know the attraction is to attractive there because it is Jules Verne oriented, but it seems unlikely that it would have the same appeal in WDW as just a walk through. I like Swiss Family at night because of the view, otherwise, I just wouldn't go through it again. If it had something more related to the fun of the story, maybe, interactive things as you walked through or something like that.

Posted: Jan Sat 09, 2010 12:37 pm
by mindflipper
Don't knock until you see it. You get to go at your pace. It was interesting to see how well they duplicate the feel of the movie. The old WDW 20,000 attraction was miserable in the fact they packed everyone in like sardines and there was a total lack of leg room. In comparison, the walk-through was far more enjoyable.

Posted: Jan Sat 09, 2010 12:43 pm
by stunrut
20K is my all time fav Disney Live Action movie. I hope I can see this attraction someday. Sounds too cool!

Posted: Apr Mon 26, 2010 4:07 pm
by rollerpeter
I visited the Nautilus during my vacation at dlp a few times but there was something wrong with the show. The iris didn't close and the squid didn't work. It's really cool when it all works...


Posted: Mar Fri 25, 2011 7:37 am
by Brian845
stunrut wrote:20K is my all time fav Disney Live Action movie. I hope I can see this attraction someday. Sounds too cool!
As much as I hate remakes of movies, it would be kind of interesting to see what they could do with that movie with the technology of today. Maybe *then* we could get the ride back!:)

Re: Re:

Posted: Mar Sun 27, 2011 9:59 pm
by mindflipper
Brian845 wrote:
stunrut wrote:20K is my all time fav Disney Live Action movie. I hope I can see this attraction someday. Sounds too cool!
As much as I hate remakes of movies, it would be kind of interesting to see what they could do with that movie with the technology of today. Maybe *then* we could get the ride back!:)
I agree that it would be interesting to see a new film adaptation. But it would depend upon the script, director, and the actors chosen for the main roles.

And it wouldn't be a "remake" - I think the new term is a "reboot of the franchise" :wink:

Re: 20K Leagues under the sea attraction - Disneyland Paris

Posted: Mar Sun 27, 2011 11:11 pm
by Wizzard419
Reboot means you can make sequals and adjustments, such as having them come across Andrew Ryan's city of Rapture. :D