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An Idea for subsonic radio

Posted: Aug Thu 04, 2011 6:26 pm
by tommymetfan
hey everyone! ive been a longtime listener of subsonic radio and always enjoy listening to all the attractions and shows they put on. one day i was outside when and an idea popped into my head and thats that maybe another stream could be added where it plays the music and songs of the parks as if you were visiting it and walking around the parks of current rides/ shows. i know it sounds a little complicated but think of this, say the theme of the day was magic kingdom, it would stream audio of main street usa in the morning for an hour or two and then go to say, tommorowland and it would play all the current attractions/shows :mickey: in that land, then move on to fantasyland do the same, then around 3:00 (i think thats the parade time, i could be wrong) it would play the current mk parade then go to frontierland, adventureland, ect. finally it would play the electrical parade and firework show to end the night on the stream.

anyhow its just an idea to the admin. of subsonic radio and with this idea, it could apply for all the parks and can run on a schedule. love to hear some feedback on what the listeners would think as well as the admin.s :wave: :mickey3:

Re: An Idea for subsonic radio

Posted: Aug Thu 04, 2011 6:36 pm
by MmeLeota
There is a schedule stream, and it's kinda along those lines. Check it out! :D

Re: An Idea for subsonic radio

Posted: Aug Thu 04, 2011 6:45 pm
by tommymetfan
yeah i know your talking about but i mean like the stream would play the ride tracks of that land, almost as if you were walking the park. the current schedule stream just plays bunch of tracks for that time, so it kinda is a general of what my idea is like

Re: An Idea for subsonic radio

Posted: Aug Thu 04, 2011 6:50 pm
by MmeLeota
I see what you're saying. That would be pretty sweet! I kinda do that with my Disney music too...

Re: An Idea for subsonic radio

Posted: Aug Thu 04, 2011 6:54 pm
by tommymetfan
EXACTLY i do the same haha it would be like your really at the park.. but your not, your listening to a computer or phone lol but it stil counts for us disney fans

Re: An Idea for subsonic radio

Posted: Nov Tue 13, 2012 9:39 am
by standswestMK
old thread here, but i'd love audio tours of the parks in this style.