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Withdrawing a request when your attempt to load multiple...

Posted: Sep Sun 20, 2009 10:39 am
by noledawg
songs is interrupted. Has this happened to anyone else? You try and load up a series of selections and someone drops in a big 30 minute request right in the middle.....

Perhaps there's a way to withdraw a queued request, restore the points, and reset the 'available' counter so it can be re-requested for later in the day?

Probably a huge undertaking for the mods, but a thought....

Posted: Sep Sun 20, 2009 12:03 pm
by Len90
From what I understand there is no way to withdraw a request and restore your points. It would entail a lot of work by the admins. to set up anther system like that. There are plans to change the request system on the site, but nothing is due to come out soon. However, as for now, the only way to request more, is to keep posting and adding beneficial ideas to the conversations on this site. Each post will get you 10 more points, and they do add up pretty fast.

Also, if you would really like something requested, you can ask me since I have a ton of points that I rarely use now.

Posted: Sep Sun 20, 2009 4:52 pm
by acp
Len90 is correct. There is no way to remove requests from the queue. Once they're added to the queue, they're added.


Posted: Sep Sun 20, 2009 8:39 pm
by noledawg
Hey no worries at all. I was just wondering how it works. And laughing at how often that happens to me...

"I'll load up the best bits of Country Bear Jamboree....there's one, there's two...what the hell! I didn't order Just Keep Swimming! Now it's not continuous! ARGH!"

Posted: Sep Mon 21, 2009 12:18 pm
by js3901
think of it kind of like a juke box. once you put your money (points) in and choose your selection, it can't be stopped/removed.

Posted: Sep Sat 26, 2009 11:05 pm
by subsonic
Yep, the system isn't perfect. It bugs me every day but I've been too busy (lazy?) to implement our ideas to make the system better. I think, for the most part, it works pretty well. It just sucks that people have to log on so early to get their requests heard. Must be discouraging for new people who register, queue something up, and realize they have to wait an entire work day to hear their request. :(

Posted: Sep Sat 26, 2009 11:09 pm
by Soarin08
I know I've been guilty of this before, usually when I order up the WoL loop and someone else is in the middle of a string of matching queues.... but honestly, sometimes I just click the request button without checking to see what's playing. I can only listen to Subsonic at certain times so I have to request when I can.....

Posted: Sep Sat 26, 2009 11:15 pm
by subsonic
Nobody should feel guilty about requesting BTW. As Len says, it's a juke box. We have pretty strict rules in now for requesting which makes it difficult for people to "Abuse" the system.

request away!

Posted: Sep Sat 26, 2009 11:20 pm
by Soarin08
I know, Sub, but still.... I need to be more considerate and not request a 63 minute loop!! Unless it's 3am and no one's up but me..... :D

Posted: Sep Sun 27, 2009 10:55 am
by rdeacon
Just my 2 cents ... there is no way to credit you the request and have it withdrawn, but I can shuffle the order. If I see there is a block and 1 that breaks it I tend to reorder it. Like Sub says its a decent but not perfect system.

Perhaps we could look into a way of offering a way of removing a request from the stream and giving you credit....


Posted: Sep Sun 27, 2009 8:49 pm
by Jacca5660
I don't think that it rises to that level RD. It is an imperfect system, but I don't know of any that are. I feel you guys have other things that are ahead of this when it comes to being fixed.

Posted: Sep Sun 27, 2009 11:14 pm
by Len90
Jacca5660 wrote:I don't think that it rises to that level RD. It is an imperfect system, but I don't know of any that are. I feel you guys have other things that are ahead of this when it comes to being fixed.
Agreed. I think a lot of the more important work has already been done like upgrading and moving servers and adding tracks. I do think that a forum software upgrade would be a necessity since that report post button would come in handy for catching the spammers a bit quicker.

Posted: Sep Mon 28, 2009 11:47 am
by casrin
Soarin08 wrote:I know, Sub, but still.... I need to be more considerate and not request a 63 minute loop!! Unless it's 3am and no one's up but me..... :D
We're all Disney fans here!

Posted: Sep Mon 28, 2009 1:43 pm
by subsonic
yep, the forums are quite behind. A lot of stuff is behind. Heck I even remember people wanted sorting of their treasures. :)

Posted: Oct Thu 01, 2009 2:17 pm
by Mr.ToadWildRider
There are inherent problems created by allowing people to pull their requests aside from just technical ones.

The one that immediately jumps to mind for me is Person B requests a 60 minute track in the middle of Person A's 30 minute set list. Person C sees that the next available play time is an hour and a half from now so requests their songs anticipating their songs to be played apprx. 90 minutes later. Person A realizes what person B did and yanks their 30 minutes of tracks. Now person C's tracks get bumped up 30 minutes. If person C tunes into Requests 90 minutes later they'd probably just be catching the tail end of their set list. Very annoying.

Obviously there could be many variations of this same problem. Maybe someone didn't interrupt Person A's set, but Person A just decides they don't have time to listen to their requested tracks sometime after they made their request. Maybe that happens to various people between Persons A through Q and poor person R who has set their time expecting to hear his/her tracks at lunch is now queued up for their commute ride in! :shock: