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My Treasures

Posted: Mar Fri 18, 2016 7:02 am
by jennw30
I haven't been on the site in a couple of years and can't find where to click on my treasures. I used to have about 1800 points. Do I need to start again since I see the site was moved?

Re: My Treasures

Posted: Mar Mon 21, 2016 12:41 pm
by cy1229
My Treasures and other individualized features (like making requests) were removed when the site had to be relocated. As I understand it, Subsonic is working his tail off in his spare time to get those features restored and at a higher level than before (for example, making requests on all the streams, not just the Requests stream). So hang in there, you should see it at some point in the future.

Glad to see you back!

Re: My Treasures

Posted: Mar Mon 21, 2016 2:02 pm
by duggett
I also have not been on the site since the fall. I typically get hooked on it for a month or two and then move on, but come back again and get hooked again.
Was surprised to see the changes. The new look and arrangement is great, however I am missing my "treasures". Can't wait to see the "new and improved" total site. Keep up the great work on the site!

Re: My Treasures

Posted: Mar Tue 22, 2016 8:15 am
by mwehttam
I was wondering the same thing. Also haven't been logged in since the fall. I am usually content using the Windows app on my work machine and listening to either Background or Future Land. But with our next trip to WDW coming up in 2.5 weeks (running in the Star Wars races) I am itching for certain song tracts.

With the changes is also the ability to request tracts not functioning? I type in a word or two and I get no hits.

