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Posted: Feb Wed 10, 2016 1:31 pm
by momeja
Hi Subs, I have a question for you as the dust settles from the move last month. It might be a foolish question, because it's already been answered elsewhere, but hoping I don't look too foolish asking it, here goes: How is the request list working these days? I've been clicking playlist, but nothing comes up. There's also nothing listed on the "now playing" screen. Yet there's music playing on the request stream. Is it all scheduled? Or is it on random, the way it is when the site is temporarily down? Or has the request list moved somewhere new that I haven't found yet? I'm not upset, just wondering if there's been a fundamental change I don't know about.

Thank you for all your hard work this winter with the site. I've been a Subsonic junkie for over 7 years now, and I've loved all the many hours I've spent listening to it. And it's all due to you. Thanks, all.

p.s. Love the Dole Whip stream!

Re: Requests?

Posted: Feb Thu 11, 2016 9:27 am
by cy1229
I only know a tiny fraction more than you do... so here goes.

When Sub moved the site to the new server, some functionality was lost (like these forums, etc.). Most functions have been restored, but the ability to make requests has not yet been reinstalled. His vision to make all of the streams request-able, and since he does all this stuff in his free time (I think I remember what that is...) it is slow going. I don't know anything about writing code but I'm guessing it's a lot more complicated than even Sub imagined it would have been in the first place.

So, stay tuned, because it will probably be back in the future, but nobody knows exactly when.

Re: Requests?

Posted: Feb Thu 11, 2016 10:46 am
by momeja
Thanks for the explanation. It's good to know that it's not my computer but just a function of time and the new server.

Have fun at DLR! And don't look into the eyes of the idol. ;)